How Appealing

Sunday, November 30, 2014

“Online threats case to show if U.S. justices are down with rap”: Lawrence Hurley of Reuters has this report.

The Guardian (UK) has an article headlined “When is a threat to kill a joke? Or art? Supreme court weighs online abuse; Should courts care what Anthony Elonis really meant when he said on Facebook that he wanted to make his wife a bloody corpse?

Newsweek reports that “Supreme Court to Tackle Rap-Inspired Online Threats.”

And online at The Atlantic, law professor Garrett Epps has an essay titled “When Does the First Amendment Protect Threats? Many people don’t know where courts draw the line on what constitutes free speech — or what they mean by a ‘true threat.’

Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Is the Left Helping SCOTUS Destroy Obamacare? Dismissing the latest legal challenge as a debate over a typo could backfire.” Sam Baker has this article online at National Journal.

Posted at 8:52 PM by Howard Bashman

“Why Supreme Court Cases Are Marathons: Average Age for a Hearing Is Nearly Six Years.” Brent Kendall will have this article in Monday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.

You can freely access the full text of the article via Google.

Posted at 8:42 PM by Howard Bashman