How Appealing

Thursday, January 22, 2015

“Scalia is a surprise in Supreme Court challenge to Fair Housing Act”: Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.

David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Supreme Court asked to scale back landmark fair housing law.”

Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court may not slash federal housing protection.”

Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Supreme Court Weighs Fair-Housing Lawsuits; Justices Divided Over Moves Against Practices Said to Foster Racial Segregation.” You can freely access the full text of the article via Google.

Warren Richey of The Christian Science Monitor reports that “Supreme Court hears Texas case that tests extent of civil rights doctrine.”

Michael Lindenberger of The Dallas Morning News reports that “Justices testy as Texas pushes to end use of ‘disparate impacts’ in housing discrimination cases.”

Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed reports that “Supreme Court Skeptical Of Tight Limits On Fair Housing Act; A long-awaited argument brought surprising questions from Justice Antonin Scalia.”

The January 24, 2015 issue of The Economist contains an article headlined “Race and the Supreme Court: Disparate dilemma — The court mulls a controversial theory about how to prove discrimination.”

And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Argument analysis: Scalia versus Scalia on housing law?

Posted at 10:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justices Rule Dismissal of Air Marshal Unlawful”: Adam Liptak has this article in today’s edition of The New York Times.

Robert Barnes of The Washington Post reports that “Supreme Court says former air marshal did not violate law in whistleblower case.”

David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Supreme Court rules for TSA whistle-blower in Orange County.”

Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court sides with former TSA air marshal.”

Brent Kendall and Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal have an article headlined “Supreme Court Sides With Air Marshal on Whistleblower Protections; Air Marshal Robert MacLean Was Fired for Disclosing TSA Had Reduced Protection on Flights.” You can freely access the full text of the article via Google.

The Washington Times has an article headlined “Supreme Court: Feds can’t fire whistleblowers for preserving public safety.”

The Orange County Register has an article headlined “After losing in lower courts for years, fired Ladera Ranch air marshal prevails in U.S. Supreme Court.”

On yesterday evening’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Nina Totenberg had an audio segment titled “Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Air Marshal Whistleblower.”

And online at Bloomberg View, law professor Noah Feldman has an essay titled “Supreme Court Gives a Whistle-Blower Some Help.”

Posted at 10:36 PM by Howard Bashman

“The People Most at Risk of Losing Insurance in the Supreme Court’s Health Ruling”: At “The Upshot” blog of The New York TImes, Margot Sanger-Katz has a post that begins, “The people who could lose their health insurance as a result of a Supreme Court decision this year are predominantly white, Southern, employed and middle-aged, according to an Urban Institute analysis.”

Posted at 10:09 PM by Howard Bashman

“A Fighting Word”: Senior U.S. District Judge Richard G. Kopf has this post today at his “Hercules and the Umpire” blog.

Posted at 1:14 PM by Howard Bashman

“Protest in the Supreme Court: Keep calm and gavel on.” Steven Mazie has this post at the “Democracy in America” blog of The Economist.

Posted at 7:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Nullification, Now Coming to the Supreme Court? Mike Huckabee suggests that if the justices rule that gay-marriage bans are unconstitutional, states don’t need to listen.” David A. Graham has this essay online at The Atlantic.

Posted at 7:48 AM by Howard Bashman

“Law Prof. Douglas Laycock wins Supreme Court case; Opposes Arkansas prison facial hair restrictions”: The Cavalier Daily has this report.

Posted at 7:47 AM by Howard Bashman

“U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in Nebraska traffic-stop case”: This article appears in today’s edition of The Omaha World-Herald.

Posted at 7:43 AM by Howard Bashman