How Appealing

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Review and coverage of Wil Haygood’s new book, “Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America.” Julia M. Klein has this review of the book online at The Boston Globe.

The September 14, 2015 issue of Publishers Weekly contains an article headlined “Thurgood Marshall, Revealed: Wil Haygood.”

And ArtsATL has an interview with the book’s author headlined “Wil Haygood’s ‘Showdown,’ a thriller on Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court confirmation.”

Posted at 10:18 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court justice targets court language barriers”: The Napa Valley Register has an article that begins, “State Supreme Court Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuellar knows about the immigrant experience firsthand.”

Posted at 10:09 PM by Howard Bashman

“Penn Law School receives $8.6 million from former Supreme Court Justice’s family”: The Daily Pennsylvanian has this report.

Posted at 9:24 PM by Howard Bashman

“America’s Fragile Constitution: The Founders misread history and established a dysfunctional system of government; A case for a little less reverence.” Yoni Appelbaum has this article in the October 2015 issue of The Atlantic.

Posted at 9:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Q&A: Justice Stephen Breyer.” CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford interviewed Justice Stephen G. Breyer for today’s broadcast of “Sunday Morning.” You can access the transcript of the segment at this link.

Posted at 9:54 AM by Howard Bashman