How Appealing

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

“Controversial Gravity Knife Law Challenged in Federal Court”: In January, The Village Voice published an article that begins, “A New York appeals court heard oral arguments on January 14 in a challenge to a controversial knife law that has landed tens of thousands of suspects in jail over the past ten years.”

Last November, The Voice published a length article headlined “How a ’50s-Era New York Knife Law Has Landed Thousands in Jail.”

Today. a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued a decision reversing the dismissal of an as-applied vagueness challenge to a New York law criminalizing the possession of “gravity knives.”

Posted at 1:18 PM by Howard Bashman

“In states with elected high court judges, a harder line on capital punishment”: Dan Levine and Kristina Cooke of Reuters have this report.

Posted at 11:50 AM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Preview of the 2015 Term”: The Heritage Foundation is hosting this event, scheduled to begin in just 15 minutes from now, and you can view the event live, online via this link once it gets underway.

Attorneys Lisa S. Blatt and Paul D. Clement are scheduled to participate as speakers.

Posted at 11:45 AM by Howard Bashman

“This Will Probably Be The Biggest Supreme Court Term For Reproductive Rights Since Roe v. Wade”: Ian Millhiser has this post today at ThinkProgress.

Posted at 11:32 AM by Howard Bashman

“Rush for gender equality with top judges ‘could have appalling consequences for justice'”: The Evening Standard (UK) has an article that begins, “One of the country’s most senior judges today warned that rushing to achieve equal representation for women at the top of the legal profession could inflict ‘appalling consequences’ on the quality of British justice.”

And in related coverage, The Guardian (UK) has an article headlined “Don’t rush gender equality in UK legal profession, says supreme court judge; Lord Sumption says pro-women bias could put off talented male candidates and suggests female lawyers are less willing to accept long hours.”

Posted at 8:09 AM by Howard Bashman

“Former state Supreme Court justice appeals conviction”: Torsten Ove has this article in today’s edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Posted at 7:58 AM by Howard Bashman