“Questions Rachel Maddow Should Ask the Democrats Running for President: How they think about the Supreme Court could be their most important qualification.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online today at Slate.
“Supreme Court: Personalized license plates are government speech; Indiana Supreme Court justices agreed with the BMV that personalized license plates are a form of government speech, not a person’s speech protected by the First Amendment.” Kristine Guerra of The Indianapolis Star has this news update.
And The Associated Press reports that “Indiana Supreme Court rules against officer’s ‘0INK’ plate.”
You can access today’s unanimous ruling of the Supreme Court of Indiana at this link.
Access online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: At this link. The Court granted review in ten cases, seven of which have been consolidated for consideration into a single case.
In early news coverage, Adam Liptak of The New York Times reports that “Supreme Court to Hear New Case on Contraception and Religion.”
Robert Barnes of The Washington Post reports that “Supreme Court accepts challenge to health law’s contraceptive mandate.”
David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “U.S. Supreme Court dives back into the fight over contraceptives and Obamacare.”
Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court agrees to rule on birth control insurance mandate.”
Brent Kendall and Louise Radnofsky of The Wall Street Journal report that “Supreme Court to Review Contraception Compromise in Health Law; High court to determine if rule for providing birth control is at odds with religious-freedom law.”
Tom Howell Jr. of The Washington Times reports that “Supreme Court to hear challenges to Obamacare birth control mandate.”
Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has a report headlined “4th Supreme Court go-round for 5-year-old Obama health law.”
Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “U.S. justices to hear religious objection to Obamacare contraception coverage.”
Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Religious Objections on Obamacare Get U.S. Supreme Court Review.”
Ariane de Vogue of CNN.com reports that “Supreme Court to hear new challenge to Obamacare contraception mandate.”
Jennifer Haberkorn of Politico.com reports that “Supreme Court to take up challenge to Obamacare’s contraception mandate.”
And at “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Court to hear birth-control challenges.”
“Miss. Supreme Court rules same-sex divorce legal”: In today’s edition of The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Mississippi, Anna Wolfe has a front page article that begins, “The Mississippi Supreme Court today acknowledged the divorce of a same-sex couple under Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage. In the process, two justices made claims that states may not have to follow U.S. Supreme Court rulings when they believe the court is creating policy as opposed to interpreting the law.”
And The Associated Press reports that “Mississippi Supreme Court narrowly grants same-sex divorce.”
You can access yesterday’s 5-to-4 ruling of the Supreme Court of Mississippi at this link.
“Michigan women central to US gay marriage case adopt kids”: The Associated Press has this report.
“Should noncitizens be protected from excessive force at border? Supreme Court to consider case.” Joseph Tanfani, Brian Bennett and David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times have an article that begins, “The Supreme Court will consider Friday whether the family of a Mexican teenager shot and killed just across the border can sue the U.S. Border Patrol agent who pulled the trigger.”
Fifth Circuit grants rehearing en banc in fraudulent joinder case: You can access yesterday’s order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granting rehearing en banc at this link.
And the original three-judge panel’s 2-to-1 ruling can be accessed here.