“Cruz first drew conservative attention at Supreme Court; Conservative traits shown as young solicitor general”: Bill Lambrecht of The San Antonio Express-News has this report.
Posted at 11:09 PM by Howard Bashman
Sunday, January 17, 2016
“Cruz first drew conservative attention at Supreme Court; Conservative traits shown as young solicitor general”: Bill Lambrecht of The San Antonio Express-News has this report. Posted at 11:09 PM by Howard Bashman“New issue in Trump-Cruz battle: John Roberts.” David Jackson of USA Today has this report. Posted at 10:32 PM by Howard Bashman“Appeals court reins in judge in Sagebrush Rebellion case”: Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle has this news update reporting on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued Friday. Posted at 9:32 PM by Howard Bashman“Sturtevant backs keeping Roush on Supreme Court”: In today’s edition of The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Jim Nolan has a front page article that begins, “A freshman Republican senator from Richmond is standing up — and standing in the way of plans by the General Assembly’s Republican leadership to oust a Virginia Supreme Court justice.” Posted at 11:02 AM by Howard Bashman“U.S. Supreme Court to hear Joliet police case”: David G. Savage had this article yesterday in The Chicago Tribune. Posted at 10:54 AM by Howard Bashman“Ted Cruz cited professor at heart of citizenship spat in supreme court briefs; Donald Trump continues to question senator’s eligibility for presidency; In debate, Cruz called Laurence Tribe ‘a leftwing judicial activist'”: Ben Jacobs of The Guardian (UK) has an article that begins, “In two of Ted Cruz’s signature legal briefs before the supreme court, he cited the liberal law professor whom Donald Trump has invoked in questioning Cruz’s eligibility to be president. As Texas solicitor general, Cruz cited Harvard professor Laurence Tribe as ‘a prominent commentator’ in his brief for Medellin v Texas, a case the senator invariably mentions on the stump.” Posted at 10:52 AM by Howard Bashman |