“AG Kane slams appointment of mediator in Porngate case”: Mark Fazlollah of The Philadelphia Inquirer has an article that begins, “Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane lambasted a judicial panel Sunday for naming a well-connected lawyer to mediate Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin’s Porngate case, calling it a step to ‘sweep his hate-filled emails under the rug.'”
“Laws written by men to protect women deserve scrutiny, Supreme Court told”: Robert Barnes will have this article in Monday’s edition of The Washington Post.
“The Nobility of Good Lawyers With Bad Clients”: Law professor Garrett Epps has this essay online today at The Atlantic.
“Tribes Don’t Get a Pass on Federal Law”: Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg View.
“Voter ID Laws Found to Lower Minority Turnout”: Kenneth Jost has this post today at his blog, “Jost on Justice.”
“Hoeven undecided on Obama’s ND judicial nominee”: Patrick Springer of The Forum of Fargo, North Dakota has an article that begins, “Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., said he has an ‘open mind’ but is still reviewing President Obama’s nomination of Jennifer Klemetsrud Puhl to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.”
“Alito at 10: Justice Alito and the Future of the U.S. Supreme Court.” The Center for American Progress, the American Constitution Society, and the Constitutional Accountability Center hosted this program, which Dahlia Lithwick moderated, on Thursday. You can view the video via YouTube at this link.
Third Circuit Judge Julio M. Fuentes to take senior status on July 18, 2016: As noted at this link.
“The President’s Duty to Take Care that the Law Be Faithfully Executed”: In case you missed it, this panel presentation (video via YouTube) took place at the Federalist Society’s 2014 National Lawyers Convention.
“Trump Won’t Say If He’d Appoint Supreme Court Justices Who Disagree with Him on Eminent Domain”: John McCormack has this blog post online today at The Weekly Standard.
“NC State Bar dismisses complaints against prosecutors in racially divisive case”: Joseph Neff has this front page article in today’s edition of The News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Today’s edition of that newspaper also contains Anne Blythe’s article headlined “Former NC Supreme Court justice calls for review of state bar; Bob Orr says outside evaluation of the state agency is needed; Bar has grown large and divided into extreme camps, he says; Recent prosecution of defense attorneys, not prosecutors questioned.”
“Supreme Court to render a verdict on Obama’s use of executive authority”: David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has this report.
“Court rules Framingham officer not immune in shooting lawsuit”: The MetroWest Daily News of Framingham, Massachusetts has this report.
Earlier, at his “The Watch” blog hosted by The Washington Post, Radley Balko had an entry titled “Still waiting for justice after SWAT team member kills innocent grandfather.”
You can access Friday’s ruling of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit at this link.
“An Uncertain Path Ahead For Juvenile Sentencing Cases Still Before The Supreme Court”: Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed News has this report.
And in today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer, Amy S. Rosenberg has a front page article headlined “Teen killers, prison lifers, given a ray of hope; In 1987, two 15-year-olds committed a vicious murder and were sentenced to life without parole; A Supreme Court decision offers the possibility of a new future, of freedom; But after a life spent in prison, who have they become?”
“As Porngate hits state high court, Sprague brought in as mediator”: Mark Fazlollah and Craig R. McCoy have this article in today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer. According to the article, “The disclosure of Sprague’s new role also prompted criticism Friday.”