“NY killer off death row as definition of disabled gets tweak”: The Associated Press has this report. According to the article, “Wilson, 32, and others like him are at the center of a debate over how to enforce a nearly two-year-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that adds more specificity to the concept that it is cruel and unusual punishment to execute killers who are intellectually disabled.”
“Will The Supreme Court Nomination Fight Cost This Senator His Seat?” This audio segment appeared on yesterday’s broadcast of NPR’s “Weekend Edition Saturday.”
“How the Little Sisters of the Poor case puts religious liberty at risk”: Law professor Douglas Laycock has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Threatening Letter Sent to Donald Trump’s Sister Prompts Investigation: Source.” NBC News has a report that begins, “Donald Trump’s older sister, federal appeals court judge Maryanne Trump Barry, received a threatening letter in Philadelphia on Friday — one day after the GOP front-runner’s son received a suspicious piece of mail containing white powder, sources told NBC News.”
“Garland Shouldn’t Be Considered After Election, McConnell Says”: Nicholas Fandos of The New York Times has this report.
Tom Howell Jr. of The Washington Times has an article headlined “Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid: GOP senators will buck leadership on Supreme Court pick.”
CNN.com has a report headlined “McConnell: No lame duck confirmation.”
Bloomberg News reports that “McConnell Rules Out Vote on Garland Even If Hillary Clinton Wins.”
And Patrick Temple-West of Politico.com reports that “Feud over Supreme Court pick puts Senate leaders on defensive over old remarks.”
“Va. Republicans take redistricting fight to the Supreme Court”: Robert Barnes and Jenna Portnoy of The Washington Post have this report.
“Scalia death a blow to Obamacare contraception challengers”: Lawrence Hurley of Reuters has this report.
“Scalia’s death could affect politically tinged cases”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report.
“Court Politics”: Jeffrey Toobin will have this Comment in the Talk of the Town section of the March 28, 2016 issue of The New Yorker.
From today’s broadcast of the CBS News program “Face the Nation“: Via YouTube, you can access video segments titled “Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination” (featuring Jan Crawford and Miguel A. Estrada) and “John Kasich: Senate GOP ‘probably ought’ to meet with Merrick Garland.”
“An Advocate’s View of Judge Garland in Criminal Cases”: Steve Klepper has this post today at the ” Maryland Appellate Blog.”
“Scalia’s seat should be kept open”: Law professor John Yoo has this essay in today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer.
“Sen. Toomey tries to deflect focus on his Supreme Court stance”: Jonathan Tamari of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.
“Religious Liberty Claims Run Amok”: Kenneth Jost has this post today at his blog, “Jost on Justice.”
“Flawed ethics reviews, sharp criticism, and a justice’s path to resignation”: Craig R. McCoy, Angela Couloumbis, and Mark Fazlollah have this article in today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer.