How Appealing

Thursday, May 5, 2016

“Retired Justice John Paul Stevens Tells Senate To Get Moving On That Supreme Court Nominee; ‘I’m not aware of any confirmation process that’s been delayed to the extent that this one is'”: Cristian Farias of The Huffington Post has this report.

Posted at 7:52 PM by Howard Bashman

“Constitution Check: How goes the kids’ constitutional crusade against climate change?” Lyle Denniston has this post today at the “Constitution Daily” blog of the National Constitution Center.

Posted at 2:48 PM by Howard Bashman

“U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts stops in Rogers; Roberts touts rules to speed civil trials at legal conference”: Doug Thompson of The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has this report.

Posted at 2:38 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Stevens on Thomas Jefferson, Guns, and Justice Scalia; Retired Justice Still Has Critical Words for Landmark 2008 Ruling on Guns”: Jess Bravin has this post today at’s “Law Blog.”

Posted at 2:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“Ted Cruz Is Fine With Holding SCOTUS Seat Open For Clinton Or Trump To Fill; But some conservatives think Obama’s nominee is their best option now”: Jennifer Bendery of The Huffington Post has this report.

At “The Fix” blog of The Washington Post, Callum Borchers has an entry titled “Raising the white flag: Conservative blog urges GOP to cut its losses and confirm Merrick Garland.”

Online today at Bloomberg View, law professor Noah Feldman has an essay titled “The Constitution Won’t Stop President Trump.”

At The Federalist today, Ilya Shapiro has a post titled “How John Roberts Begat Donald Trump: If I have to point to a moment that spawned the current annus horribilis, it would have to be John Roberts’s vindication of Obamacare on June 28, 2012.”

And today at “ACSBlog,” U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has a post titled “Republicans’ Refusal To Do Their Jobs Means Our Courts Cannot Do Theirs — And Americans Suffer.”

Posted at 2:33 PM by Howard Bashman