How Appealing

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

“Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton”: Nick Corasaniti and Maggie Haberman of The New York Times have an article that begins, “Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures to the bench. At a rally here, Mr. Trump warned that it would be ‘a horrible day’ if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.”

Posted at 8:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“CDA settles with Markel family”: In today’s edition of The Tallahassee Democrat, Sean Rossman has a front page article that begins, “The Consolidated Dispatch Agency will pay the family of slain Florida State law professor Dan Markel $40,000 to avoid litigation over his 2014 death. The money will be paid by the CDA’s general liability insurance policy to Markel’s sons, who were toddlers when he was killed.”

Posted at 8:16 PM by Howard Bashman

“Why Trusting Donald Trump on Judges Is Folly; Supreme Court appointments are not a persuasive reason for conservatives to back the billionaire”: Conor Friedersdorf has this essay online at The Atlantic.

Posted at 8:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Tenth Circuit: Accessing email is a ‘search’ under the Jones trespass test.” Online today at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Orin Kerr has a post that begins, “Judge Neil Gorsuch is one of my favorite judges, and I don’t lightly or often take issue with his opinions. But on Friday, Gorsuch handed down an important Fourth Amendment case that has a somewhat puzzling section with far-reaching implications.”

You can access last Friday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit at this link.

Posted at 8:03 PM by Howard Bashman

“Constitution Check: Is Section 3 of the Voting Rights Act a dead letter?” Lyle Denniston has this post today at the “Constitution Daily” blog of the National Constitution Center.

Posted at 7:53 PM by Howard Bashman

“Tinkers Talk of Their Historic Case, Importance of Student Free Speech”: David L. Hudson Jr. has this report online at the Newseum Institute.

Posted at 5:33 PM by Howard Bashman

“Court strikes down N.J. sports betting law”: John Brennan of The Record of Hackensack, New Jersey has this report.

Brent Johnson and Jonathan D. Salant of report that “N.J. loses again in quest to bring sports betting to state.”

Joe Drape of The New York Times reports that “Federal Court Blocks New Jersey Plan to Legalize Sports Betting.”

Jonathan Stempel of Reuters reports that “New Jersey sports betting law struck down by U.S. appeals court.”

The Associated Press reports that “Court again says New Jersey can’t legalize sports betting.”

And Bloomberg News reports that “Christie-Backed Sports Betting Law in N.J. Blocked by Court.”

You can access today’s en banc ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link.

Posted at 4:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“Merrick Garland chokes up at service for pal”: Kim Janssen of The Chicago Tribune has an article that begins, “He may have started out as the original ‘nobody nobody sent,’ but Abner Mikva was sent off in grand style Monday at a memorial service where he was feted by a crowd of political heavyweights including a Supreme Court justice and the president of the United States.”

Posted at 4:38 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg discusses the 2015-16 term”: Duke University School of Law has posted this video online at YouTube.

Posted at 4:32 PM by Howard Bashman

Seventh Circuit grants rehearing en banc in a case the dissent criticized as “enabling police seizures for ‘parking while black'”: Thanks to a reader of the blog, I have learned that yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued this order granting rehearing en banc in the case.

Yesterday’s order granting en banc review vacated the earlier opinion of a divided three-judge Seventh Circuit panel. This blog’s coverage of that earlier decision appeared here and here.

Posted at 4:18 PM by Howard Bashman