How Appealing

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

“N.H. Supreme Court hears arguments in whether to unseal details of Lizzi Marriott’s sexual history”: Alyssa Dandrea of The Concord (N.H.) Monitor has an article that begins, “National attention is on the New Hampshire Supreme Court, whose five justices face an unprecedented decision — one that could ultimately weaken a decades-old privacy protection for rape victims.”

Posted at 10:54 PM by Howard Bashman

“California Voters Face Choice: End Death Penalty, or Speed It Up.” Jennifer Medina has this article in today’s edition of The New York Times.

Posted at 9:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Will Consider Education Ruling”: Matthew Kauffman of The Hartford Courant has an article that begins, “The Connecticut Supreme Court Tuesday agreed to hear challenges to Superior Court Judge Thomas Moukawsher’s controversial order calling for sweeping changes to the way the state teaches children and pays for their education.”

Posted at 9:46 PM by Howard Bashman

“Does 2nd Circuit give foreign defendants an escape hatch via Vitamin C decision?” Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post today.

Posted at 7:15 PM by Howard Bashman

Access online the September 2016 edition of “Appellate Issues,” a publication of the American Bar Association’s Council of Appellate Lawyers: Via this link. And you can access past editions via this link.

Posted at 5:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Minor Leagues, Minimal Wages: Legal technicalities dating back to 1922 have kept many players’ pay below poverty level.” Jeremy Venook has this article online today at The Atlantic.

Posted at 4:25 PM by Howard Bashman

“Notorious RBG: How the diminutive Supreme Court justice came to be depicted on the biceps of fans nationwide.” You can access at this link the new installment of Slate’s “Amicus” podcast featuring Dahlia Lithwick.

Courtney Gross of NY1 News reports that “Notorious RBG Speaks to Students at Fordham Law School About her Time on the Supreme Court.”

And Marilyn Odendahl of The Indiana Lawyer reports that “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg entertains, educates Notre Dame audience.”

Posted at 4:18 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Obama administration lacks the authority to pick and choose which religious groups are exempted from the contraceptive mandate”: Josh Blackman has this guest post today at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 3:14 PM by Howard Bashman

“Erwin Chemerinsky & Joan Biskupic on Supreme Court Term Preview”: You can access the newest installment of the UCI Law Talks podcast at this link.

Posted at 2:06 PM by Howard Bashman

“Day 9: President Clinton fills first Supreme Court vacancy with Debbie Wasserman Schultz . . . .” So writes David Mandel in a piece titled “Hillary’s First 100 Days,” which appeared in the Sunday Book Review section of last Sunday’s edition of The New York Times.

Posted at 8:50 AM by Howard Bashman