“President Trump Gets A Head Start On Shaping The Federal Courts”: Scott Horsley had this audio segment on Monday’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
Stephen Montemayor of The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that “Minnesota Justice David Stras, Trump’s pick for Eighth Circuit, enjoys broad swath of support; Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras is ‘not beholden to anyone.’” The newspaper also published an editorial titled “The diversity problem on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals: Justice Stras has earned nomination, but court is too male, white.”
Don David of The Forum of Fargo, North Dakota reports that “Donald Trump picks Minnesota Supreme Court justice for federal court.”
Bob Collins of Minnesota Public Radio reports that “On MN Supreme Court, David Stras found unlikely allies.”
Paul Egan of The Detroit Free Press reports that “President Trump names Justice Joan Larsen to U.S. 6th Circuit.”
Jonathan Oosting and Melissa Nann Burke of The Detroit News have an article headlined “Trump’s fed court nominee Larsen ‘on fast track.’” The newspaper also published an editorial titled “Smooth Joan Larsen’s rise to appeals court.”
Fatima Hussein of The Indianapolis Star reports that “Trump nominates Notre Dame professor for federal judgeship.”
Notre Dame Law School issued a news release titled “Professor Amy Barrett Nominated to Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.”
And Andrew Wolfson of The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that “President Trump taps Louisville conservative John K. Bush for court.”
“Trump reportedly close to nominating David Porter to Third Circuit”: Matthew Stiegler has this post today at his “CA3blog.”
“Merrick Garland for FBI Director? Welcome to the most amazing Republican troll job yet.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Trump Wanted a Public Execution: The president fired James Comey via letter, while the FBI director was giving a speech.” Phillip Carter has this essay online at Slate.
“Third judge could block revised Trump travel ban”: Josh Gerstein of Politico.com has this blog post.
“Federal Circuit Refuses to Hear Private Right Issue”: Dennis Crouch has this post at his “Patently-O” blog about an order that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued today denying an initial en banc hearing. The order was accompanied by two concurring and two dissenting opinions.
In earlier coverage, Crouch previously had a post titled “Whether a Patent Right is a Public Right.” And Kelly Knaub of Law360.com reported that “Full Fed. Circ. Urged To Look At AIA Review Constitutionality” (subscription required for full access).
“A (very reluctant) defense of Trump’s firing of Comey”: Eric Posner has this blog post.
15 years of “How Appealing” — reader mail: Today’s email is from reader Paul Vinegrad:
I love everything about your blog. Convenient daily access to quality legal news is invaluable. Your blog consistently links to articles, cases and commentary that open my mind to a wide variety of important and timely legal issues.
I dislike when you go on a (well-earned) hiatus to work on appellate cases, attend a conference, or go to a Phillies game. Your Twitter feed sometimes fills the gaps. But I prefer your blog.
P.S. I am a long-time Mets fan. So, missing your blog because you are watching the Phillies (hopefully lose, at least to the Mets) is particularly frustrating.
Congratulations! Not many blogs have survived 15 years!
Thanks so very much, Paul. One of my best friends is a Mets fan, so you are in good company. I will post another reader email tomorrow.
“President Trump Nominates Judges Even He Could Love”: Jeffrey Toobin has this post online today at The New Yorker.
“Translating Trump’s Religious Liberty Order”: Linda Greenhouse has this essay online at The New York Times.
“Judge Amul R. Thapar — Nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit”: Harsh Voruganti recently had this detailed post at his blog, “The Vetting Room.”
“Laura Kalman, ‘LBJ, Nixon, and the Making of the Contemporary Supreme Court.'” The University of Chicago Law School has posted on YouTube the video of this recent lecture.
Thanks to the podcasting duo at “First Mondays” for their kind mention of this blog’s 15th birthday on this week’s episode: Although you should listen to the entire episode, if you want to access the discussion noting this blog’s 15th birthday, you will find it begins at the 20:36 mark.
“North Carolina defends magistrates’ right to refuse performing same-sex marriages; The law allows them to turn away interracial couples, too”: Andrea Marchiano of Gay Star News has this report on a case orally argued yesterday before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
I will link to the audio of this oral argument once it becomes available online.
Update: You can access the audio of yesterday’s Fourth Circuit oral argument via this link (29.8 MB mp3 audio file).
“Free Speech Can Get Awkward, a Small Town Discovers; Belle Plaine, Minnesota, wanted a Christian memorial in a town park; Now it’s getting a Satanic one too”: Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg View.
“Justice Kennedy, don’t abandon your legacy”: Elizabeth Wydra has this essay at CNN.com.