“How Trump’s Attack on Affirmative Action Could Succeed: An aggressive Justice Department could make the case, or wait for the Supreme Court’s makeup to change.” Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg View.
And online at Slate, law professor Richard Thompson Ford has a jurisprudence essay titled “Doomed to Fail: Jeff Sessions’ reactionary attack on affirmative action won’t succeed.”
“Justice Souter, the First Amendment and the case of the synagogue standoff”: Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post.
“Supreme Court to begin electronic filing in November”: Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press has this report.
Today, the Public Information Office of the U.S. Supreme Court issued a news release that begins, “The Supreme Court’s new electronic filing system will begin operation on November 13, 2017.”
“Supreme Court justice offers explanation for LGBTQ decision”: Sean Fine of The Toronto Globe & Mail has an article that begins, “Supreme Court Justice Richard Wagner says he did not purposely exclude LGBTQ advocacy groups from participating in a major case pitting equality rights against religious freedom.”
“The Clarence Thomas Takeover: The justice has spent his career pushing a fringy, right-wing ideology; Now, he has an army of acolytes who can make his vision a reality.” Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Finding Common Ground, Despite Ideological Divides”: Linda Greenhouse has this essay online at The New York Times.