“Court overturns Indiana death sentence in ‘stun belt’ case”: Jonathan Stempel of Reuters has this report.
And Olivia Covington of The Indiana Lawyer reports that “7th Circuit orders new sentencing hearing for man on death row.”
Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner issued today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel.
“Steve Grasz nominated as U.S. Circuit Court judge”: Don Walton of The Lincoln Journal Star has this report.
And at “Above the Law,” David Lat has a post titled “The Trump Train — Of Federal Judicial Nominations — Rolls On; Congratulations and good luck to the next ten judicial nominees.”
“Supreme Court’s next big gun control case? Post-Newtown laws face new scrutiny.” Fred Lucas of FoxNews.com has this report.
“D.C.’s concealed-carry regulations just suffered a shot across the bow”: Doug Pennington has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“‘Making a Murderer’: Full appeals court to hear Dassey case.” FOX 11 News of Green Bay, Wisconsin has this report.
You can view today’s order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit granting rehearing en banc at this link.
“Secular Anti-Abortion Groups Must Provide Contraceptive Coverage, Split Circuit Court Rules”: P.J. D’Annunzio of The Legal Intelligencer has this report on a ruling that a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued today.
In Bashman (and bash woman) news from Australia: Tanya Westthorp of the Gold Coast Bulletin reports that “10 thugs bash man, woman in horrifying attack.”
“Could Congress Simply Codify the DOJ Special Counsel Regulations?” Rick Pildes has this post at the “Lawfare” blog.
“Tammy Baldwin: Trump ignored nominating panel by appointing Gov. Scott Walker ally to 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.” Jason Stein and Patrick Marley of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have this report.
And Dave Boyer of The Washington Times reports that “Trump announces sixth round of conservative judicial nominees.”
Yesterday, the White House issued a news release titled “Eighteen Nominations Sent to the Senate Today.”
“The Legacy of Justice Scalia with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg”: The Aspen Institute has posted this video on YouTube.
“State board names highway span for Henry Frye, former N.C. Supreme Court chief justice”: Taft Wireback of The News & Record of Greensboro, North Carolina has this report.
“Do not allow Gov. Rick Scott to pack Supreme Court on his way out the door”: The Tampa Bay Times has published this editorial.
S’all is not good, man: Today, Circuit Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton issued an opinion on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit that begins, “A sting operation blends fiction with non-fiction.”
The opinion goes on to explain that “[i]n this instance, Matthew King, a lawyer, agreed to commit a real crime (by laundering the supposed proceeds of non-existent drug sales) and offered to do so on the basis of a money-laundering technique observed on a fictional T.V. show (by imitating Saul Goodman, a lawyer character on Breaking Bad, who set up a sham corporation to launder drug proceeds).”
“Murder conviction in Blackwater case thrown out, other sentences overturned”: Spencer S. Hsu of The Washington Post has this report.
And Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “U.S. court tosses murder conviction of ex-Blackwater guard.”
You can access today’s 119-page ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit — consisting of a lengthy per curiam opinion followed by separate writings from each of the three judges on the panel — at this link.