“Supreme Court to Hear Arguments Over Sports-Betting Ban; Ruling could open up more of the country to wagering and generate up to $15 billion a year”: Chris Kirkham and Brent Kendall of The Wall Street Journal have this report.
“Do we appreciate our Supreme Court justices enough? This moment of transition provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the joys and pressures of the position.” Law professor Penny Collenette has this essay online at The Toronto Star.
“WV Justice Loughry has state-owned desk removed from his house”: Phil Kabler of The Charleston (W.V.) Gazette-Mail has this report.
The newspaper has published a related editorial titled “Supreme Court should offer people an inventory.”
The newspaper has published an essay by Hoppy Kercheval titled “More overspending at state Supreme Court.”
And the newspaper has published an essay by former Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia Justice Richard Neely titled “Don’t throw the baby out with the Supreme Court bathwater.”
“U.S. Supreme Court wedding cake case could affect St. Cloud couple’s suit against Minnesota; Both sides in Minnesota will be watching Tuesday when the justices in Washington hear arguments in a parallel case from Colorado”: Stephen Montemayor has this front page article in today’s edition of The Minneapolis Star Tribune.
“A cake is food, not speech. But why bully the baker?” Columnist George F. Will has this op-ed in today’s edition of The Washington Post.
“Sports betting, states’ rights on tap at Supreme Court”: Richard Wolf of USA Today has this report.
“Let Them Not Bake Cake: Does gay marriage trump the right to religious expression?” The Wall Street Journal has published this editorial.
“Case of Baker Who Refused to Make Cake for Gay Couple Heads for Supreme Court; Colorado wedding-cake flap to test high court’s commitment to gay rights”: Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has this report.
“D.C. Circuit Review — Reviewed: 20 Thoughts for a Cold December Day.” Aaron Nielson has this post at the “Notice & Comment” blog of the Yale Journal on Regulation.
“‘It’s not about cakes’: Stakeholders line up on both sides of SCOTUS religious liberty case.” Ariane de Vogue of CNN.com has this report.
“High court betting case pits states against sports leagues”: David Porter and Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press have this report.
And James Nash of The Record of Hackensack, New Jersey reports that “Supreme Court to decide whether Jerseyans can ante up on sporting events.”
“Bork Was a Great Scholar, But Poor Guide to Modern Originalism”: John O. McGinnis has this post at the “Law & Liberty” blog.
“The same-sex wedding cake case isn’t about same-sex marriage”: Columnist Jeff Jacoby has this essay online at The Boston Globe.
“Some see echoes of ’68 court case in wedding cake dispute”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has this report.