How Appealing

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

“The New Challenge to Obamacare: Is this a chance for the Supreme Court to correct its constitutional mistake?” Randy Barnett has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 7:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“When Opposites Attract Ideology Falls to the Wayside”: Adam Feldman has this post at his “Empirical SCOTUS” blog.

Posted at 5:46 PM by Howard Bashman

“RBG — Official Trailer”: Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing have posted this video on YouTube. You can access the movie’s official website at this link. The movie’s release date is May 4, 2018.

Posted at 3:35 PM by Howard Bashman

“Colorado Supreme Court’s chief justice to retire in June, giving Hickenlooper a fifth pick for the seven-judge panel; Nancy E. Rice was appointed to the Colorado Supreme Court in 1998”: Jesse Paul of The Denver Post has this report.

Posted at 2:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Teenagers Defeat Trump’s Move to Kill Climate Change Lawsuit”: Kartikay Mehrotra of Bloomberg News has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today.

Update: In other coverage, Jonathan Stempel of Reuters reports that “U.S. loses bid to halt children’s climate change lawsuit.”

And Zahra Hirji of BuzzFeed News reports that “The US Government Just Lost Another Attempt To Stop Kids From Suing Over Climate Change.”

Posted at 2:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Now we know why defense attorneys quit the USS Cole case. They found a microphone.” Carol Rosenberg of The Miami Herald has a report that begins, “Lawyers for the alleged USS Cole bombing mastermind quit the capital case after discovering a microphone in their special client meeting room and were denied the opportunity to either talk about or investigate it, the Miami Herald has learned.”

Posted at 1:44 PM by Howard Bashman

“U.S. appeals court says Title VII covers transgender workers”: Daniel Wiessner and Jonathan Stempel of Reuters have this report on a ruling that a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued today.

Update: In other coverage, Dominic Holden of BuzzFeed News reports that “A Federal Court Just Rejected A Funeral Home’s Religious Objections To Employing A Transgender Woman; This is the first ruling of its type by a federal appeals court.”

Posted at 1:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Cross in Maryland: Does a memorial to fallen soldiers breach the church-state wall? An appeals court ruling against a cross that has stood since 1925 may go to the Supreme Court.” Steven Mazie has this post at the “Democracy in America” blog of The Economist.

Posted at 1:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Georgia high court seeks to end excessive delays in appeals”: Kate Brumback of The Associated Press has a report that begins, “Georgia’s highest court is instructing judges, lawyers and others to come up with a rule to prevent unnecessary delays in the criminal appeals process after seeing many cases that languished for 10 years or longer.”

You can access Monday’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Georgia at this link.

Posted at 10:14 AM by Howard Bashman

“Chief Justice Heavican says Max Kelch was right to leave Nebraska Supreme Court”: Joe Duggan of The Omaha World-Herald has this report.

Posted at 9:34 AM by Howard Bashman