How Appealing

Sunday, March 11, 2018

“Did #MeToo Really Bring A Reckoning To The Legal Industry?” VICE News recently posted this video on YouTube. You may recognize the participants in this discussion.

Posted at 8:24 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Thomas warns of a ‘cynical’ society: ‘It’s got to be more positive.'” Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has an article that begins, “Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called on hundreds of law school students Saturday to set their own paths towards positivity in order to have a more civil society.”

Posted at 8:17 PM by Howard Bashman

“Chevron as a Remedial Limitation”: Andrew Hessick has this post at the “Notice & Comment” blog of the Yale Journal on Regulation.

Posted at 1:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s favorite New York City eats; In honor of Ginsburg’s 85th birthday on March 15, we round up the foodie’s favorite local bites”: Nicole Levy of has this report.

Posted at 10:22 AM by Howard Bashman