How Appealing

Sunday, March 18, 2018

“Remembering Professor Ronald Rotunda”: Josh Blackman has a blog post that begins, “Twelve years ago, I walked into law school absolutely clueless. I had never taken a class in constitutional law and could not tell you what the acronym SCOTUS meant.”

Posted at 8:06 PM by Howard Bashman

“‘Testilying’ by Police: A Stubborn Problem; Police lying persists, even amid an explosion of video evidence that has allowed the public to test officers’ credibility.” Joseph Goldstein of The New York Times has this report.

Posted at 7:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Penn Law School Mob Scores a Victory: Now Black Lives Matter wants Amy Wax fired for arguing that preferences harm their ‘beneficiaries.'” Heather Mac Donald has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 7:38 PM by Howard Bashman

“What Went Wrong in the Stormy Daniels Case: Last week, the story might have amounted to just a few sordid tabloid flashes, were it not a likely harbinger of major troubles ahead.” Amy Davidson Sorkin will have this Comment in the Talk of the Town section of the March 26, 2018 issue of The New Yorker.

Posted at 7:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Supreme Court’s Chance to Rebuild a ‘Constitutional Bulwark’: The Contract Clause has been moribund since 1934; The justices could revive it in a case from Minnesota.” James W. Ely Jr. and Nick Sibilla have this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 4:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“Awaiting Supreme Court decision, pro sports league prepare for legal betting”: Rick Maese of The Washington Post has this report.

Posted at 4:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“California’s anti-abortion pregnancy centers want the Supreme Court to overturn state notice law”: Maura Dolan has this front page article in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 11:04 AM by Howard Bashman

“Man unsuccessfully appeals dismissal of his own charges”: Mark Gillispie of The Associated Press has a report that begins, “Ronald Bergrin appears to have both won and lost Friday when a slightly bemused three-judge appeals court panel upheld dismissal of his charges for threatening an FBI agent after deeming him mentally incompetent to stand trial.”

Circuit Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton issued Friday’s ruling on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

Posted at 10:48 AM by Howard Bashman

“Appeals Court Rules Telemarketing Regulation Too Broad; Decision welcomed by businesses who said the rules led to a rash of lawsuits against them”: John D. McKinnon had this article in Saturday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.

Ryan Nakashima of The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court nixes some FCC rules on robocalls.”

Todd Shields and Andrew M Harris of Bloomberg News report that “Robocall Limits in U.S. Set Back by Federal Appeals Court.”

John Eggerton of Broadcasting & Cable reports that “Court Issues Partial Smackdown of Wheeler-Era Robocall Decision; Says smartphone users can make calls without potentially triggering $500-per fines.”

Marguerite Reardon of CNET News reports that “Court nixes FCC rules targeting robocalls; The D.C. Circuit said Friday Obama-era FCC rules meant to curb unwanted robocalls went too far and could have led to anyone using a smartphone to violate the law.”

And Dell Cameron of Gizmodo has a post titled “US Court Finds Anti-Robocall Rule Made Nearly Every Smartphone User a Criminal.”

You can access Friday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit at this link.

Posted at 10:25 AM by Howard Bashman