“William Howard Taft and the Constitution”: The National Constitution Center has posted the video of this event from earlier this evening on YouTube.
I recently received a second review copy of Jeffrey Rosen’s new book, making me think that perhaps a give-away contest for interested readers of this blog may be in order.
“Justices Press California Over Law Challenged by Antiabortion Groups; State says FACT Act meant to inform pregnant women of rights to reproductive health care including abortion”: Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has this report.
And Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Supreme Court Justices Cast Doubt on California Abortion-Disclosure Rules.”
“Appeals court considers ‘how long is too long’ in challenge to Guantanamo detention”: Ann E. Marimow and Missy Ryan of The Washington Post have this report.
“A Pro-Life Puzzler: Can a state compel anti-abortion clinics to provide information about free abortions?” Mark Joseph Stern has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Supreme Court: Group Lawsuits Over IPOs Can Be Brought in State Courts; Unanimous ruling is loss for business, which prefers federal venues for shareholder litigation.” Dave Michaels of The Wall Street Journal has this report.
And Barbara Leonard of Courthouse News Service reports that “Kagan Defends Securities Class Actions in State Courts.”
“Federal appeals court upholds Utah’s controversial election law”: Dennis Romboy of The Deseret News has this report.
Lee Davidson and Dan Harrie of The Salt Lake Tribune report that “10th Circuit Court rules against Utah Republican Party’s attempt to overturn signature-gathering election law.”
And Michelle L. Price of The Associated Press reports that “Appeals court rules against Utah GOP, upholds nominating law.”
You can access today’s ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit at this link.
“The Canon Wars”: Law professors Anita S. Krishnakumar and Victoria Nourse have posted this book review on SSRN (via “Legal Theory Blog“).
“Commander v. Chief: The lessons of Eisenhower’s civil-rights struggle with his chief justice Earl Warren.” Michael O’Donnell has this book review in the April 2018 issue of The Atlantic.
“UCI Law presents The Supreme Court’s Past, Present and Future, a conversation with UCLA Law Prof. Adam Winkler and UCI Law Prof. Rick Hasen to discuss their newly released books”: The event will be livestreamed via this link beginning at 8:30 p.m. eastern time tonight.
“Chief Justice Roberts Is Reshaping The First Amendment”: Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux has this post at FiveThirtyEight.
“Even tort reformers can’t abide 9th Circuit’s notorious Hyundai ruling”: Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post.
“U.S. Supreme Court Backs Shareholder Lawsuits Over IPOs”: Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News has this report.
“Pa. Republican state legislator moves to impeach four state Supreme Court justices”: Liz Navratil of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.
And Patrick Cloonan of The Indiana (Pa.) Gazette reports that “Dush introduces legislation to impeach Supreme Court justices.”
“Judge blocks Mississippi 15-week abortion ban from going into effect”: Sarah Fowler of The Clarion Ledger of Jackson, Mississippi has this report.
Emily Wagster Pettus of The Associated Press reports that “Judge temporarily blocks Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban.”
And Sarah Mimms and Ema O’Connor of BuzzFeed News report that “Mississippi Passed The Most Restrictive Abortion Law In The Country, But A Court Has Just Put It On Hold.”
“Supreme Court Warily Eyes California Law Involving Abortion and Free Speech”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.
Robert Barnes of The Washington Post reports that “Supreme Court questions California law requiring antiabortion centers to disclose that the state provides abortion services.”
David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “California disclosure law for pregnancy centers faces skeptical questions in Supreme Court.”
Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court skeptical of California law requiring information about abortion.”
Mark Sherman of The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court questions crisis pregnancy center law.”
Andrew Chung and Lawrence Hurley of Reuters report that “U.S. high court skeptical toward California law on anti-abortion centers.”
Josh Gerstein of Politico reports that “Supreme Court hostile to part of California law aimed at ‘crisis pregnancy centers’; Justices troubled by provisions forcing advertising disclosures on anti-abortion advocates.”
And in commentary, Ian Millhiser of ThinkProgress has an essay titled “A law targeting deceptive anti-abortion clinics had a brutal day in the Supreme Court; The best case scenario for pro-choice advocates is a narrow opinion.”
You can access at this link the transcript of today’s U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, No. 16-1140.
“Scrunchies, Scourge of the 1980s, Are Back; The puffy hair accessory is now making appearances at work, raising questions about its place in the office; Justice Ginsburg’s decision”: Katherine Bindley will have this front page article in Wednesday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.
“Remembering Julie Hilden”: Michael Dorf has this post at “Dorf on Law.”
“Michael Scudder — Nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit”: At his blog “The Vetting Room,” Harsh Voruganti has a post that begins, “Richard Posner is a hard act to follow.”
Scudder is one of two nominees to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit who are scheduled to have their Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing tomorrow.
“Justice Brennan’s Correspondences with Barack Obama”: Josh Blackman has this blog post.
Access today’s ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court in an argued case: Justice Elena Kagan delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Cyan, Inc. v. Beaver County Employees Retirement Fund, No. 15-1439. You can access the oral argument transcript at this link.
“The Supreme Court Will Decide Whether California Can Require ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’ To Post Information On Abortions”: Ema O’Connor and Zoe Tillman of BuzzFeed News have this report.