“Ian Samuel is Shaming Big Law — And It’s Working; The Harvard Law School lecturer and co-host of the ‘First Mondays’ podcast created a huge uproar when he tweeted that Munger, Tolles & Olson required that summer associates agree to arbitration in their employment contracts”: Vivia Chen of The American Lawyer has this report.
“I’m the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker. Will the Supreme Court uphold my freedom?” Jack Phillips has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“The Supreme Court of Donald Trump: The travel ban oral arguments may be an indication of the deference to come.” Andrew Cohen has this essay online at Rolling Stone.
“The Constitution Doesn’t Guarantee Your Anonymity; Georgia’s law against wearing masks in public must be applied to everyone, including those protesting the presence of hate groups”: Law professor Stephen L. Carter has this essay online at Bloomberg View.
“CAC’s Fifth Annual Home Stretch at the Supreme Court”: The Constitutional Accountability Center has posted the video of this event from earlier today on YouTube at this link.
“The Central Issue Before the D.C. Circuit on Friday in Doe v. Mattis”: Robert Chesney has this post at the “Lawfare” blog.
“The Supreme Court and the New Civil War”: Linda Greenhouse has this essay online at The New York Times.
“Mimes in Robes: Trump’s judicial nominees are now refusing to answer any questions about what it is they actually believe.” Perry Grossman and Dahlia Lithwick have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Ninth Circuit Judges to Follow New Law Clerk Hiring Plan”: The Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued this news release today. As the news release makes clear, the use of “Ninth Circuit Judges” in the title does not mean that all Ninth Circuit judges have agreed to do so.
“The White House Refuses to Disavow Trump’s Muslim-Ban Promise: Why did the solicitor general claim the opposite to the Supreme Court?” Joshua A. Geltzer has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Trump elevates one of his district court judges to circuit court post”: Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has this report.
John Monk of The State of Columbia, South Carolina reports that “Trump nominates Dylann Roof prosecutor Jay Richardson to top 4th Circuit court.”
And Jennifer Berry Hawes of The Post and Courier of Charleston, South Carolina reports that “Trump nominates Dylann Roof prosecutor Jay Richardson to 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.”
The White House today issued a news release titled “President Donald J. Trump Announces Thirteenth Wave of Judicial Nominees and Seventh Wave of United States Marshal Nominees.”
“5th Circuit mounts searing attack on plaintiffs’ lawyer Mark Lanier”: Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post.
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s Fifth Circuit ruling can be accessed here.
“Immigration Cases Make Strange Bedfellows. But Is It a Long-Term Relationship?” Law professor Michael Kagan has this post at the Law and Liberty blog.
And Kimberly Robinson of Bloomberg Law reports that “Gorsuch Primed to Rule Against Trump on Immigration, Again.”
“Supreme Court Notebook: Why not live audio from high court?” Mark Sherman and Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press have this report.