“Yahoo Investors Can’t Rouse Alibaba Stock Suit In 9th Circ.” Dean Seal of Law360.com has this report (subscription required for full access) on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today. Circuit Judge John B. Owens wrote the opinion, whose “Background” section gets off to a rather amusing start.
“Millions Of Dollars In Supreme Court Ads Are Coming And We Won’t Know Who Paid For Them; Neither of the two groups likely to spend the most will reveal their donors before the Senate votes on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation”: Kevin Robillard of HuffPost has this report.
“New Calls for the Supreme Court to Reconsider Qualified Immunity; Some unusual amicus briefs filed in support of cert. in Allah v. Milling”: Will Baude has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“‘I’m going to do my own thing’: Dems split on message in SCOTUS fight; Senate Democrats are offering a multitude of arguments against Kavanaugh — and some fear they will fail to break through to voters.” Elana Schor and Heather Caygle of Politico have this report.
“The dusky gopher frog will be the next Supreme Court’s first environmental test; New cases, shifting strategies, and the uncertainty of a reshuffled bench”: Emily Gertz of Popular Science has this report.
“Pa. Supreme Court justices got more than $180K in donations from law firms in clergy abuse case, records show”: Liz Navratil and Angela Couloumbis have this article online at The Philadelphia Inquirer.
“Appeals court denies immediate release for Manafort”: Josh Gerstein of Politico has this report.
“Justice Department Plans Appeal of AT&T-Time Warner Merger Approval”: Cecilia Kang and Edmund Lee of The New York Times have this report.
Brent Kendall and Drew FitzGerald of The Wall Street Journal report that “Justice Department Appeals Ruling Allowing AT&T-Time Warner Merger; Federal officials had challenged the deal on antitrust concerns.”
Jim Puzzanghera of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Justice Department appeals ruling that let AT&T buy Time Warner.”
Marcy Gordon of The Associated Press reports that “Trump DOJ appealing judge’s OK of AT&T-Time Warner merger.”
David Shepardson of Reuters reports that “U.S. Justice Dept to appeal approval of AT&T acquisition of Time Warner.”
David McLaughlin and Andrew M Harris of Bloomberg News report that “U.S. Justice Department Says It’s Appealing AT&T-Time Warner Merger Decision.”
Steven Overly of Politico reports that “Trump administration appeals ruling in AT&T-Time Warner merger.”
Ted Johnson of Variety reports that “Justice Department to Appeal AT&T-Time Warner Decision.”
Jon Brodkin of Ars Technica reports that “Trump administration appeals court loss in AT&T/Time Warner case; AT&T completed Time Warner buy last month but will still face DOJ appeal.”
And at the “THR, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has a post titled “Justice Department Appealing Decision Allowing AT&T-Time Warner Merger; A federal judge rejected the government’s antitrust contentions in June; The case is now headed to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.”
“Kavanaugh Is a Mentor To Women; I can’t think of a better judge for my own daughter’s clerkship”: Law professor Amy Chua has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.
“Female former law clerks of Judge Kavanaugh say he’s an advocate for women”: Dave Boyer of The Washington Times has this report.
And Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has articles headlined “Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Democrat up for reelection, comes out against Kavanaugh” and “Feinstein suggests funny business behind Kavanaugh nomination.”
“Maryland’s highest court to weigh in on Syed case”: Talia Richman of The Baltimore Sun has an article that begins, “Maryland’s highest court has agreed to consider whether to reinstate the murder conviction of Adnan Syed, the subject of the immensely popular ‘Serial’ podcast.”
And David McFadden of The Associated Press reports that “Court agrees to review decision to reopen ‘Serial’ case.”
“Trump is a bully. Brett Kavanaugh will stand up to him.” Columnist Michael Gerson has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“White House Lawyer Reshapes U.S. Courts; Known as a low-key figure, Donald McGahn quietly paves the way for President Trump’s Supreme Court pick”: Peter Nicholas and Brent Kendall of The Wall Street Journal have this report.
“With Kavanaugh’s nomination, the focus is on precedent — and on Roe v. Wade”: Mark Arsenault has this front page article in today’s edition of The Boston Globe.
“A Kavanaugh Supreme Court May Expand Gun Rights, Senators Say”: Sahil Kapur and Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News have this report.
“Kavanaugh stands to be more than just a reliable vote for the right”: Joan Biskupic of CNN has this report.
“Are you suddenly interested in the Supreme Court? You’re not alone.” Philippa Strum has this essay online at The Conversation.
“I.F. attorney appears before Senate committee for Ninth Circuit confirmation”: Marc Basham of The Post Register of Idaho Falls has this report.
Betsy Z. Russell of The Idaho Press reports that “Nelson wins praise at Senate confirmation hearing for Idaho 9th Circuit judgeship.”
Brandi Buchman of Courthouse News Service reports that “Judicial Nominees Taken to Task for Views on Abortion, Climate.”
And Sam Reisman of Law360.com reports that “9th Circ. Pick Treads Fine Line On Environmental Stance.”
You can access the video of yesterday’s hearing of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee for judicial nominees via this link.
“New PFAW Report Examines Kavanaugh’s Record of Dissents”: People For the American Way issued this news release in connection with a report (and summary of report) the organization issued today.
“A sports junkie who ate pasta with ketchup: Law school friends reflect on Kavanaugh’s time at YLS.” Hailey Fuchs and Adelaide Feibel of The Yale Daily News have this report.
“Brett Kavanaugh Will Right the Course of the Supreme Court”: Law professor Jack Goldsmith has this essay online at Time magazine.
“Just Confirm Kavanaugh”: Columnist Bret Stephens has this essay online at The New York Times.
“Advocates From Left and Right Ask Supreme Court to Revisit Immunity Defense”: Alan Feuer of The New York Times has this report.
“Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin says Brett Kavanaugh has ‘all the right qualities’ for Supreme Court”: Dave Boyer of The Washington Times has this report.
And Thomas Beaumont of The Associated Press reports that “Heitkamp’s political tightrope walk gets even trickier.”
“Liberals scramble to link Kavanaugh to serial sexual harasser, mock his ‘frat boy’ name”: Dave Boyer of The Washington Times has this report.
And Stuart Leavenworth of McClatchy DC reports that “Opponents of Brett Kavanaugh hope a MeToo link will derail Trump’s high court pick.”
“2 Supreme Court nominations made, Trump may have none to go”: Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press has this report.
“At Harvard Law School, he’s Professor Kavanaugh”: Matt Viser of The Boston Globe has this report.