How Appealing

Sunday, August 5, 2018

“If Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify, legal fight would go to Supreme Court: Trump lawyer.” Roey Hadar of ABC News has this report.

Posted at 10:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Republicans dismiss claims of partisanship in battle over Brett Kavanaugh documents”: Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has this report.

Posted at 10:30 PM by Howard Bashman

“Trump’s Supreme Court nominee argued presidents should be shielded from all criminal probes — even questioning”: David G. Savage has this front page article in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times.

Posted at 10:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“The battle to confirm Kavanaugh heats up with document fight; The political battle, for now, is focused on a mountain of documents — specifically, a set of papers from Kavanaugh’s tenure as staff secretary to President George W. Bush”: Leigh Ann Caldwell of NBC News has this report.

Posted at 10:12 PM by Howard Bashman

“Unions Take a Hit After Supreme Court Ruling; States are ordered to stop collecting millions of dollars in fees from public workers”: Kris Maher of The Wall Street Journal has this report.

Posted at 10:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“Brett Kavanaugh: Evil Carpool Dad; The alleged right-wing monster is actually a teddy bear.” Deroy Murdock has this essay online at National Review.

Posted at 9:25 AM by Howard Bashman