“Appeals court sides with death row inmate Ernest Lee Johnson”: Pat Pratt of The Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune has an article that begins, “A Columbia man convicted of murdering three people with a claw hammer will get another chance to argue he should not be executed by lethal injection because his medical condition makes the punishment unconstitutionally cruel.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit at this link.
“Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gets personal in chat with MSU students”: Sarah Lehr of The Lansing State Journal has this report.
And Jonathan Oosting of The Detroit News has an article headlined “Sotomayor at MSU: ‘I was the perfect affirmative action child.’“
“Woman who claimed she was harassed at retirement home for being gay wins round in court against operators”: Matthew Walberg of The Chicago Tribune has this report.
And Lydia Wheeler of The Hill reports that “Appeals court allows lesbian resident to sue senior living facility over discrimination.”
You can access today’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit at this link.
“Judge Brett Kavanaugh — First Amendment Rulings”: Harsh Voruganti has this post at his blog, “The Vetting Room.”
“President Donald J. Trump Announces Seventeenth Wave of Judicial Nominees”: The White House issued this news release this afternoon, which includes two federal appellate court nominees — both women — one to the Fourth Circuit, the other to the Ninth Circuit.
“$17k win for man falsely accused of a terrible crime: Downloading an Adam Sandler movie; That’s for his legal bills and court costs — not defamation.” Iain Thomson of The Register (UK) had this report back in December 2016.
Today, a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued this decision affirming the district court’s judgment.
“Ex-NYU student gets 16 years in jail for trying to buy ricin”: Lia Eustachewich of The New York Post had this report back in March 2016.
Also at that time, Nate Raymond of Reuters reported that “Chinese man gets U.S. prison term for trying to buy ricin online.”
Today, a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued this decision affirming the defendant’s conviction.
“Supreme Court ruling could upend thousands of deportation cases, sowing chaos in court”: Daniel González of The Arizona Republic has this report.
“Internet groups urge U.S. court to reinstate ‘net neutrality’ rules”: David Shepardson of Reuters has this report.
“AG Ferguson: Court agrees to block 3D-printed guns until case is resolved.” The Washington State Office of the Attorney General has issued this news release about a ruling that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington issued today.
“Some Reluctant Skepticism About the New Law Clerk Hiring Plan: An important post by Professor Aaron Nielson asks whether the new law clerk hiring plan is broken, and worse than no plan at all.” Will Baude has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“Good Behaviour #9: ‘A Bunch of Printers.'” You can access today’s new installment of the “First Mondays” podcast, featuring Ian Samuel and Dan Epps with guest Will Baude, via this link.