“The Supreme Court Confirmation Charade: Republicans have weaponized the judicial nomination process as a purely partisan exercise. Democrats, given the chance, will likely return the favor.” This editorial will appear in Sunday’s edition of The New York Times.
“Why a Predictable Supreme Court Fight Is a Sign of a Broken Process”: Carl Hulse will have this new installment of his “On Washington” column in Sunday’s edition of The New York Times.
“Issues for Brett Kavanaugh: the president who chose him and the Supreme Court he would change.” Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.
“D.C. Circuit Review — Reviewed: ‘All-Purpose’ Feeder Judges.” Aaron Nielson has this post at the “Notice & Comment” blog of the Yale Journal on Regulation.
“Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor out with 2 new books”: Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press has this report.
“Kavanaugh believed campaign finance limits likely unconstitutional: Emails; Emails from 2002 show judge predicted Supreme Court ruling.” Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times has this report.
And Ariane de Vogue of CNN has a report headlined “Documents: Kavanaugh saw ‘some constitutional problems’ in campaign contribution limits.”
“Trump administration withholds 100K Kavanaugh pages”: Lisa Mascaro of The Associated Press has this report.
Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed News reports that “The Trump Administration Is Keeping 100,000 Pages Of Brett Kavanaugh’s Records Secret.”
And Joan Biskupic of CNN has a report headlined “For Kavanaugh, a ‘formative’ job; but for senators, few records are available.”
“Brett Kavanaugh will bring middle principles to our polarized nation”: Law professor Michael McConnell has this essay online at The Hill.
“American Bar Association gives Brett Kavanaugh a unanimous ‘well-qualified’ rating”: Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has this report.
“Robert Bork’s Proud Legacy and the Senate’s Shameful One: His defeat taught interest groups to demonize judicial nominees based solely on their worldview.” Mark Pulliam has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.
“Kavanaugh’s Kozinski Test: The White House has painted Judge Kavanaugh into a very tight corner when it comes to his former mentor; But we deserve to hear how the SCOTUS nominee thinks about issues of harassment and the workplace.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
And earlier this week, Ryan J. Foley and Curt Anderson of The Associated Press had a report headlined “Kavanaugh’s ties to disgraced mentor loom over confirmation.”