“Harvard defends its admissions practices, calls its foe a ‘wolf'”: Deirdre Fernandes of The Boston Globe has this report.
Nicole Hong of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Arguments Over How to Prove Racial Bias Drive Final Day at Harvard Trial; University’s lawyers said race is only used as a preference among most competitive applicants, much as outstanding musical talent can make a difference.”
And on this evening’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Kirk Carapezza had an audio segment titled “Closely-Watched Harvard Admissions Trial Comes To A Close.”
Access today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: At this link. The Court granted review in five new cases and ordered reargument in one case argued earlier this Term. The case to be reargued was argued the first week of the Term, before Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh joined the Court.
“The Kavanaugh hearings had one big benefit for all Americans: The Supreme Court is fiercely political; Now we see that.” Christopher W. Schmidt has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Justices revisit Spokeo standing at oral arguments over cy pres settlements”: Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post.
“Plaintiff says suit led Harvard to alter guidelines on race”: Deirdre Fernandes of The Boston Globe has this report.
Michelle Hackman of The Wall Street Journal has an article headlined “Republicans Court Asian Voters With a New Message: End Affirmative Action; Harvard lawsuit provides a chance for GOP candidates to tap into conservative sentiments.”
From The Harvard Crimson, Molly C. McCafferty reports that “McGrath Grilled Over How And When Harvard Added Written Rules On Race to Admissions Policies.” And Alexandra A. Chaidez and Delano R. Franklin have an article headlined “‘Your Honor, I’m Drew Faust.’ Former Harvard President Testifies in Trial.”
Nate Raymond of Reuters reports that “Harvard to defend practices as Asian-American bias trial ends.”
Eric Hoover of The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that “As Harvard Trial Winds Down, Admissions Director Takes the Stand — Again.”
On today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Max Larkin had an audio segment titled “Trial Over Race-Based Admissions At Harvard Wraps Up.”
And in commentary, online at Bloomberg Opinion, Tyler Cowen has an essay titled “Let Harvard Be Harvard, Only Bigger; American society needs its elite institutions, but they also need to be more fair to Asian-Americans.”