How Appealing

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

“The Supreme Court saved Bobby Moore from execution once. It should do it again.” Kenneth W. Starr has this essay online at The Washington Post.

Posted at 10:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“What The Future Of Abortion Looks Like After The 2018 Midterms: Changes to Congress, state legislatures, and the Supreme Court in 2018 will have a major impact on the future of abortion in the US.” Ema O’Connor of BuzzFeed News has this report.

Posted at 8:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Christine Blasey Ford says some good came out of her ‘terrifying’ testimony against Kavanaugh”: Lindsey Bever of The Washington Post has this report.

Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times reports that “Christine Blasey Ford to donate GoFundMe cash to trauma survivors.”

Jason Green of The San Jose Mercury News reports that “Christine Blasey Ford closes online fundraiser; Palo Alto University professor says unused funds will be donated to trauma survivor support groups.”

Elisha Fieldstadt of NBC News has an article headlined “Christine Blasey Ford: ‘Coming forward was terrifying’ but let her ‘fulfill my civic duty’; She called a GoFundMe account that raised nearly $650,000 for her family’s security a ‘godsend’ and said she will donate unused funds toward helping trauma survivors.”

Kaitlyn Schallhorn of Fox News reports that “Christine Blasey Ford explains use of GoFundMe money in rare public statement.”

Remy Smidt of BuzzFeed News reports that “Christine Blasey Ford Said She Is Donating Extra Money Raised For Her Security To Help Trauma Survivors.”

And Alanna Vagianos of HuffPost has a report headlined “Christine Blasey Ford: ‘I Am Grateful To Have Had The Opportunity To Fulfill My Civic Duty’; The college professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault spoke out in a rare post.”

Posted at 8:37 PM by Howard Bashman

“Forfeit a $42,000 Land Rover for a minor drug offense? Supreme Court appears skeptical of state punishments.” Richard Wolf of USA Today has this report.

Mark Sherman of The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court likely to apply excessive-fines ban to states.”

Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “Land Rover owner in driver’s seat as U.S. justices fault Indiana.”

And Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Supreme Court Justices Signal They Will Put Limits on States’ Power to Fine.”

You can access at this link the transcript of today’s U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in Timbs v. Indiana, No. 17-1091.

Posted at 1:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Dusky Gopher Frog Loses a Round in the Supreme Court”: Adam Liptak has this article in today’s edition of The New York Times.

In today’s edition of The Washington Post, Robert Barnes has an article headlined “Supreme Court deals a setback to the endangered dusky gopher frog.”

David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times reports that “Supreme Court limits habitats protected under the Endangered Species Act.”

Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Supreme Court Orders Review of Agency’s Frog-Habitat Designation; Case revolves around forested Weyerhaeuser property in Louisiana and the endangered dusky gopher frog.”

Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court finds unity in decision against the endandered dusky gopher frog.”

Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times reports that “Supreme Court reins in the feds’ land grab for endangered species.”

In today’s edition of The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Faimon A. Roberts III has a front page article headlined “In Louisiana dusky gopher frog case, U.S. Supreme Court overturns lower courts.”

Kevin McGill of The Associated Press reports that “Supreme Court orders new look at case of endangered frog.”

Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “Dusky gopher frog suffers setback in U.S. Supreme Court ruling.”

Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Supreme Court Orders New Review in Weyerhaeuser Frog Habitat Case.”

Ariane de Vogue of CNN reports that “Dusky gopher frog suffers setback at Supreme Court.”

Ellen M. Gilmer of Greenwire reports that “Justices punt dusky gopher frog case to lower court.”

And in commentary, today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal contains an editorial titled “Endangered Species Habitat Check: The Supreme Court rules 8-0 against a federal land grab for the dusky gopher frog.”

Posted at 1:22 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Strength of Precedent is in the Justices’ Actions, Not Words”: Adam Feldman has this post at his “Empirical SCOTUS” blog.

Posted at 11:37 AM by Howard Bashman

“Democrats Try to Derail Judicial Nominee They Call a Vote Suppressor”: Catie Edmondson has this article in today’s edition of The New York Times.

Seung Min Kim and John Wagner of The Washington Post report that “Fate of divisive judicial nominee from North Carolina uncertain amid criticism.”

Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has an article headlined “Schumer begs Senate to defeat Trump judicial nominee: ‘How can you have this man in the court?’

Brian Murphy of The News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina reports that “After bitter debate, Thomas Farr nomination scheduled for vote Wednesday.”

Emma Dumain of McClatchy DC has an article headlined “Will Tim Scott oppose a judicial pick accused of disenfranchising black voters?

From CNN, Veronica Stracqualursi reports that “Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum call on Senate to reject Trump federal judge nominee.” And in related news, Manu Raju and Ted Barrett report that “Senate GOP leaders may allow Mueller protection bill to come up for a vote.”

Marianne LeVine and Burgess Everett of Politico report that “Trump judicial pick is one defection away from failure.”

Todd Ruger of Roll Call reports that “Racial Concerns Fuel Opposition to Judicial Nominee; Thomas Farr under scrutiny for issues traced back to North Carolina politics.”

Jordain Carney of The Hill has a report headlined “Schumer blasts Trump judicial pick: Farr’s ‘one of the worst.’

In commentary, online at Mother Jones, Ari Berman has an essay titled “Senate Set to Vote on Lifetime Judgeship for Defender of Voter Suppression Laws; Thomas Farr repeatedly defended efforts to make it harder for people of color to vote.”

And online at ThinkProgress, Ian Millhiser has an essay titled “One of the Republican Party’s worst vote suppressors is about to become a federal judge; Republicans appear to have the votes to confirm one of the architects of America’s worst voter suppression law.”

Posted at 11:24 AM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court poised to drastically reverse LGBTQ equality; It could be a disastrous year for LGBTQ rights”: Zack Ford of ThinkProgress has this essay.

Posted at 10:58 AM by Howard Bashman

“What we should take away from the Trump-Roberts kerfuffle”: Columnist Charles Lane has this essay online at The Washington Post.

Posted at 10:56 AM by Howard Bashman