“Religious liberty for some: Why did the Supreme Court deny a Muslim’s plea for an imam at his execution? Domineque Ray’s lawyers had argued that Alabama’s execution policy favoured Christian inmates.” Steven Mazie has this post at the “Democracy in America” blog of The Economist.
“At Harvard, Harvey Weinstein is now a cause for concern”: Stephanie Ebbert of The Boston Globe has this report.
And Shera S. Avi-Yonah and Aidan F. Ryan of The Harvard Crimson report that “Students Call on Harvard Administrators to Remove Winthrop Dean Sullivan From His Post.”
“What Does the Supreme Court Ruling On Louisiana Mean For Roe v Wade?” Boston’s WGBH News has posted this video segment on YouTube.
“The Supreme Court Isn’t Anti-Muslim: It erred in denying a death-row inmate’s request for an imam — but not out of bias.” Luke Goodrich has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.
“Are Court Decisions Law, and why that Matters to Whether Originalism is Our Law”: Eric Segall has this post at “Dorf on Law.”
Wondery debuts “Over My Dead Body” podcast focusing on the murder of law professor Dan Markel: You can view the video trailer on YouTube via this link.
And you can listen to the first two episodes of the podcast, released today, via this link. The first episode begins with David Lat.
“A (Mostly) Misbegotten Attempt to Take Scalia’s Measure”: Allen Mendenhall has this post at the “Law & Liberty” blog.
“Cheri Beasley will become the first black woman to be Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court”: Will Doran of The News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina has this report.
“Who’s Afraid of a Political Supreme Court? The Left thinks a conservative Court means crisis — but our country’s people and history suggest otherwise”: Nicholas Phillips has this essay online at National Review.
“Completely sealed New York Supreme Court case challenges public’s right of access; Anonymous v. Anonymous reportedly involves legal action to compel a journalist to reveal a confidential source”: Pariss Briggs has this post at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
“The case for capping all prison sentences at 20 years: America’s prison sentences are far too long; It’s time to do something about it.” German Lopez has this report online at Vox.
“Why Chief Justice Roberts Just Protected Abortion Rights: By upholding abortion precedent, the usually conservative justice may also be seeking to uphold something else.” Adam Liptak is the guest on today’s installment of “The Daily” podcast from The New York Times featuring Michael Barbaro.
“Bridgegate defendant looks to Supreme Court in last-ditch effort to avoid prison”: Ted Sherman of NJ Advance Media has this report.
“Supreme Court likely to act this week on census dispute”: Lyle Denniston has this post at the “Constitution Daily” blog of the National Constitution Center.
“How Likely Is The Michelle Carter Case To Reach The Supreme Court?” WGBH News of Boston has this report.
“The Religious-Liberty Claim the Justices Didn’t Want to Hear: If the free-exercise clause allows you not to bake and sell a cake, maybe it should also allow you to have an imam at your own execution.” Wajahat Ali has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“Affirmative Action Is About to Face a Judicial Assault; It will survive by going further underground”: Yuvraj Joshi has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Hitting the Nail on the Head: Successful Cert Stage Amicus Briefs in Cases with Financial Implications.” Adam Feldman has this post at his “Empirical SCOTUS” blog.