“Federal appeals court upholds Kentucky ‘ultrasound’ abortion law”: Deborah Yetter of The Courier Journal of Louisville, Kentucky has this report.
Bruce Schreiner of Associated Press reports that “Court upholds Kentucky’s abortion law requiring ultrasounds.”
Gregg Re of Fox News reports that “Appeals court upholds Ky. abortion law requiring ultrasounds.”
Nathaniel Weixel of The Hill reports that “Appeals court upholds Kentucky ultrasound abortion law.”
And Kevin Koeninger of Courthouse News Service reports that “Sixth Circuit Lifts Block of Kentucky Ultrasound Abortion Law.”
You can access today’s ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit at this link.
“Court revives lawsuit against judge who shortened jail time if inmates got ‘sterilized'”: Adam Tamburin of The Tennessean has this report on a ruling that a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued today.
“Students Respond To Kavanaugh’s Hire At Antonin Scalia Law School; Mason receives backlash from students after hiring Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh”: Laura Scudder of the Fourth Estate, the student newspaper of George Mason University, has this report.
“Starr loses litigation over reimbursement in salmonella case”: Judy Greenwald of Business Insurance has an article that begins, “A federal appeals court has upheld dismissal of a case filed by a Starr Indemnity & Liability Co. unit that sought to be reimbursed for $10 million it paid a policyholder in connection with salmonella-contaminated raw chicken.”
You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit at this link.
“46th Annual School of Law Dinner (2019) — Featured Conversation ft. Justice Clarence Thomas”: Pepperdine Law has posted this video on YouTube (h/t Tony Mauro).
“Facial and As-Applied Cruelty”: Michael C. Dorf has this post at his blog, “Dorf on Law.”
Third Circuit goes bananas: I have it on good authority (see summary of second case listed here) that yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit heard oral argument in a lawsuit involving whether banana costumes are subject to copyright protection.
Unfortunately, as of this moment, the audio of that oral argument has not yet been posted online at the court’s website. Indeed, word has it that banana suits themselves were displayed to the judges at the oral argument, causing me to hope against hope that this will be one of the exceedingly rare cases in which the Third Circuit posts the video of an oral argument online.
After all, as the Ninth Circuit demonstrates on a daily basis, what’s the point of having the wonderful civic resource of online oral argument video and not providing public access to the court in-action as much as possible. Today the calendar says April 4, and thus far in 2019 the Third Circuit has posted a grand total of two oral argument videos online.
Update at 4:50 p.m. EDT: The audio of the Third Circuit’s oral argument of this appeal can now be accessed here.
“Make the Supreme Court bigger, but not the Democrats’ way”: Law professor Jonathan Turley has this op-ed in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times.
“The Supreme Court’s Turn Toward Cruelty: Justice Neil Gorsuch warmly embraces state killing — even if the state knowingly inflicts agony in the process.” Law professor Garrett Epps has this essay online at The Atlantic.
And online at National Review, Kevin D. Williamson has an essay titled “The Supreme Court’s Absurd Death-Penalty Debate; This is not jurisprudence but jurispretext.”