“Impeachment Inquiry Challenges Balance of Power in Washington; Previous efforts have transformed the relationship between Congress and the Presidency”: Byron Tau of The Wall Street Journal has an article that begins, “The widening conflict between the Democratic-led House of Representatives and the Trump administration could alter the balance of power between Congress, the presidency and the courts for years.”
“Supreme Court to weigh Virginia life sentences in Washington sniper case”: Horus Alas of Capital News Service has this report.
“Another Kavanaugh confirmation book on the way, this one claiming Republicans plotted ‘takeover’ of Supreme Court”: Sam Dorman of Fox News has this report.
“The Supreme Court could get a lot more undemocratic”: Law professor Leah Litman has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Inside Notes Illuminate How Supreme Court Decided Major Cases; A new project is digitizing justices’ behind-the-scenes scribbles, allowing the public a view as the nation’s most powerful jurists decided landmarks of American law”: Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has this report.