How Appealing

Friday, October 18, 2019

“Progressives Need a Vision for a Supreme Court They Can Fight For; Democrats might be late to the party, but they can make the Court a winning issue”: Katie O’Connor has this essay online at Rewire.News.

Posted at 9:00 PM by Howard Bashman

“Facebook asks for SCOTUS review of TCPA scope and constitutionality”: Alison Frankel’s “On the Case” from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this post.

Posted at 8:32 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court to Rule on Trump’s Power to Fire Head of Consumer Bureau”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.

Posted at 3:26 PM by Howard Bashman

“Superior Court: IVC Filter Cases Against French Manufacturer Should Stay in Pa.; A unanimous three-judge panel of the Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled this week that a Philadelphia trial judge failed to take into account Pennsylvania’s interest in the litigation.” Max Mitchell of The Legal Intelligencer has this report, in which I am quoted, on four recent decisions of the Pa. Superior Court in related appeals that I orally argued on behalf of the plaintiffs-appellants.

Posted at 1:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Judge Amy Coney Barrett speaks at the University about US Constitution”: Sandeep Mangat of The Daily Princetonian has this report.

Posted at 11:33 AM by Howard Bashman

“How Pending Decision on Obamacare Could Upend 2020 Campaign; A federal appeals court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act could be a huge headache for the president and take Democrats’ focus off Medicare for all”: Abby Goodnough of The New York Times has this report.

Posted at 9:25 AM by Howard Bashman

“A liberal group wants Philly DA Larry Krasner on the Supreme Court. Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court.” Allison Steele has this article in today’s edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Posted at 9:23 AM by Howard Bashman