“Family suing for wrongful death in son’s 2013 killing by Kaufman County deputies”: Fox 4 News of Dallas-Fort Worth had this report back in March 2016.
Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued this order, and dissents therefrom, denying rehearing en banc by a 10-to-6 vote from a divided three-judge panel’s ruling reversing the district court’s entry of summary judgment in favor of the county. [Update: This post has been corrected to delete language that erroneously stated that the three-judge panel had reversed the district court’s entry of summary judgment in favor of the deputies. In fact, the panel affirmed that aspect of the district court’s ruling. Thanks to the reader who drew this error to my attention.]
“9th Circuit Upholds No Fly List Against Due Process Challenges”: Bernie Pazanowski of Bloomberg Law has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today.
“Voters reject Democrats’ court-packing, say Trump should fill any 2020 vacancy”: Stephen Dinan and Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times have this report.
“Supreme Court tosses Michigan gerrymandering ruling in GOP win”: Keith Laing and Melissa Nann Burke of The Detroit News have this report.
Todd Spangler of The Detroit Free Press has an article headlined “US Supreme Court overturns ruling in Michigan gerrymandering case: What it means.”
Lauren Gibbons of MLive reports that “U.S. Supreme Court overturns Michigan gerrymandering ruling.”
Andrew Chung of Reuters reports that “Supreme Court tosses challenge to Republican-drawn Michigan electoral maps.”
Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Supreme Court Tosses Michigan Gerrymandering Ruling in GOP Win.”
Pete Williams of NBC News reports that “Supreme Court wipes out ruling on Michigan partisan gerrymander; The court had already declared in June that such challenges involve an essentially political issue, beyond the authority of federal courts to resolve.”
Harper Neidig of The Hill reports that “Supreme Court throws out challenge to Michigan electoral map.”
And Todd Ruger of Roll Call reports that “Supreme Court erases Michigan gerrymandering ruling; Justices decided in June that federal courts can’t rein in politicians who draw political maps to entrench a partisan advantage.”
“The Supreme Court is Poised to Blow A Giant Hole in Gun Control. Here’s How the Liberal Justices Can Intervene.” Aaron Tang has this post at the “Harvard Law Review Blog.”
“Manhattan DA, Trump lawyers strike deal that could fast-track Trump taxes fight to SCOTUS”: Josh Gerstein of Politico has this report.
“John Roberts Won’t Let Mitch McConnell Derail a Trump Impeachment Trial”: Law professor Bruce Ackerman has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Will the Supreme Court See Through Trump’s War on California? Trump suddenly seems to care a lot about pollution.” Law professor Leah Litman has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
“Lessons on Leading With Grace: Chief Judge Procter Hug held the 9th Circuit together through a remarkable demonstration of earnest leadership.” Dahlia Lithwick has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate in memory of the judge for whom she clerked.
And this obituary of Procter R. Hug, Jr. was published in The Reno Gazette-Journal.
“Fun with Reverse Ejusdem Generis”: Law professor Jay Wexler has posted this article online at SSRN.
“State Supreme Court to hear arguments over Wisconsin’s lame-duck laws”: Patrick Marley of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has this report.
“As Court Case Imperils Affordable Care Act, Some States Prepare Contingency Plans; Lawmakers explore ways to preserve coverage, benefits if the health law is struck down”: Stephanie Armour of The Wall Street Journal has this report.
“Is Oral Argument Talking Time All It’s Cut Out to Be?” Adam Feldman has this post at his “Empirical SCOTUS” blog.
“Severability Doctrine in the Fifth Circuit; At least two judges favor Justice Thomas’s approach to severability”: Josh Blackman has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“National poll: Majority of Americans lacks confidence in President Trump when it comes to making Supreme Court picks.” Craig Gilbert and Richard Wolf of USA Today have this report, along with an article headlined “Who’s the best known justice on the Supreme Court? Brett Kavanaugh tops Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”
The Marquette University Law School today issued a news release titled “New nationwide Marquette Law School Poll finds confidence in U.S. Supreme Court overall, though more pronounced among conservatives.” You can access the poll’s detailed results via this link.
“All Courts Should Abolish the Need for Amici to Seek Leave of the Parties; And pro hac vice fees should be waived for counsel representing amici pro bono”: Josh Blackman has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
Access online today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: At this link. The Court did not grant review in any new cases.
And in Lipschultz v. Charter Advanced Servs. (MN), LLC, No. 18-1386, Justice Clarence Thomas issued a concurrence, in which Justice Neil M. Gorsuch joined, in the denial of certiorari.
“Rick Perry and the German Policeman”: You can access today’s new installment of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast, featuring Leah Litman, Jaime Santos, and Kate Shaw, via this link.
“Airbnb property manager accused of violating law asks Pa. Supreme Court to weigh in on gig economy”: Caitlin McCabe of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.