“Wasserman Schultz, Democrats did not tilt 2016 primary in Clinton’s favor, judicial panel rules”: Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued today.
“Mayor Pete, Justice Kennedy, and the Myth of a Nonpartisan Supreme Court; Few American myths are as enduring as the myth of Justice Anthony Kennedy as a nonpartisan and the Supreme Court as apolitical”: Jessica Mason Pieklo has this essay online at Rewire.News.
“Majority justices remand Land Rover forfeiture case for excessiveness analysis”: Olivia Covington of The Indiana Lawyer has a report that begins, “An Indiana civil forfeiture case that made its way to the United States Supreme Court will now return to the Grant Superior Court after the Indiana Supreme Court developed a framework for determining if the forfeiture of property is excessive under the Eighth Amendment.”
You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Indiana at this link.
“Plea to Stop Execution of Son’s Killer Puts Couple at Odds With Prosecutor; A Texas prosecutor told a jury that the victim’s parents wanted their son’s killer to be put to death; The parents say that was false”: Adam Liptak will have this new installment of his “Sidebar” column in tomorrow’s edition of The New York Times.
“Trump admin appeals ruling on Mueller grand jury material; A judge ruled Friday that the DOJ had to give the House Judiciary Committee grand jury materials related to the Mueller report”: Josh Gerstein of Politico has this report.
“WV gov.’s residency case moves closer to state Supreme Court”: Jake Zuckerman of The Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette-Mail has an article that begins, “A legal battle over where West Virginia’s governor sleeps at night inched closer to a state Supreme Court review this week.”
“On Spanish people and affirmative action”: David Bernstein has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“Repeat Players”: You can access today’s new episode of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast, featuring Leah Litman and Jaime Santos, via this link.
“The Supreme Court Considers Political Lies in the Bridgegate Case”: Law professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy has this essay online at the Brennan Center for Justice.
“‘I’ve felt a profound sadness in the last two years.’ What life is like for DREAMers right now. DACA immigrants describe anxiety and depression as they await a Supreme Court decision.” Alexia Fernández Campbell of Vox has this report.