How Appealing

Thursday, October 31, 2019

“Academic Constitutional Theory and Judicial Constitutional Practice”: Mark Tushnet has this post at the “Balkinization” blog.

Posted at 10:28 PM by Howard Bashman

“Reasonable Suspicion From Driver to Car: A Few Thoughts on Kansas v. Glover; Some interesting issues raised by the only Fourth Amendment case currently on the Supreme Court’s docket.” Orin S. Kerr has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 10:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Should federal Indian law be textualist? Todd Henderson on the legal status of Eastern Oklahoma.” Will Baude has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 10:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Al Sharpton lauds Del. Supreme Court appointment but says courts still need more diversity”: Karl Baker of The News Journal of Wilmington, Delaware has this report.

Posted at 9:26 PM by Howard Bashman

“Ninth Circuit nominee VanDyke cries under Senate questioning”: Gary Martin has this front page article in today’s edition of The Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Hannah Knowles of The Washington Post reports that “Trump judicial nominee cries over scathing letter from the American Bar Association.”

Jeanine Santucci of USA Today reports that “Trump judicial nominee cries at hearing during questioning on attitude toward LGBTQ people.”

Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times has articles headlined “Trump pick for 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals accused of having anti-gay views” and “Criminal probe?: American Bar Association accused of bias after VanDyke ‘not qualified’ label.”

Dawson White of The Kansas City Star reports that “Trump’s judicial nominee cries when asked by Congress if he’ll treat gay people fairly.”

Ariane de Vogue and Alex Rogers of CNN report that “‘Not qualified’ rating and accusation from American Bar Association moves Trump nominee to tears.”

Ronn Blitzer of Fox News reports that “Trump judicial pick breaks down in tears at hearing over legal group’s attack.”

Harper Neidig of The Hill reports that “Judicial nominee breaks down amid question about attitude toward LGBT people.”

Guro Halleraker of TV 2 in Norway reports that “Trumps dommerkandidat begynte å gråte under høring; Dommernominerte Lawrence VanDyke gråt da han ble konfrontert om sine holdninger til LHBTQ-samfunnet under høring.”

Verna Vuoripuro of Helsingin Sanomat of Finland reports that “Trumpin tuomari­ehdokas murtui kyyneliin senaatin kuulemisessa: ‘Olen pettynyt, järkyttynyt ja loukkaantunut’; Republikaani­enemmistöinen senaatti on hyväksynyt viisi Trumpin nimittämää tuomaria, jotka asianajajaliitto oli todennut epäpäteviksi.”

In commentary, today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal contains an editorial titled “The ABA Strikes Again: The lawyers’ guild tries to defeat another conservative nominee.”

Also in today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Adam J. White has an op-ed titled “Another Smear Campaign From the American Bar Association; The lawyers group declares Lawrence VanDyke ‘not qualified’ based on claims from anonymous critics.”

And online at Fox News, Hiram Sasser has an essay titled “Trump judicial pick in tears — Left has again deployed lies, smears to destroy a nominee.”

Posted at 9:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“This Hidden Rule Could Make It Impossible to Fight an Abortion Ban in Court; Buried inside a new Supreme Court case is a ‘wrecking ball’ that could devastate abortion access”: Marie Solis of Vice has this report.

Posted at 3:03 PM by Howard Bashman

“A Federal Court May Soon Do What Congress Could Not: Obliterate Obamacare; Thousands organized to save the Affordable Care Act in 2017; Now the entire law may be struck down when no one’s looking.” Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

Posted at 1:48 PM by Howard Bashman