“Barr Suggests Impeachment Inquiry Undermines Voters’ Intent; The attorney general strongly defended President Trump’s assertions of executive power”: Katie Benner of The New York Times has this report.
Hannah Knowles of The Washington Post reports that “Attorney General Barr accuses Democrats of ‘war’ on Trump in speech decried as partisan.”
Rowan Scarborough of The Washington Times reports that “Attorney General Barr blasts progressives’ anti-Trump ‘resistance’; They ‘see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.’”
Tammy Kupperman, David Shortell, and Katelyn Polantz of CNN have a report headlined “Barr slams Democrats and courts: Avalanche of subpoenas is designed to ‘incapacitate the executive branch.’”
Chris Strohm of Bloomberg News reports that “Barr Attacks Trump Opponents, Democrats in Fiery Speech.”
And Mary Papenfuss of HuffPost reports that “William Barr’s Partisan ‘Authoritarian’ Trump Defense Triggers Calls For His Impeachment; The attorney general drew backlash after calling Democratic ‘resistance’ against the president a dangerous ‘holy mission.’”
The U.S. Department of Justice has posted the Attorney General’s remarks online at this link.
And the Federalist Society has posted the video of the Attorney General’s remarks online at this link.
Posted at 3:18 PM by Howard Bashman