“Roberts Naive, Clueless in Combating Political, Social Ills”: Kenneth Jost has this post at his blog, “Jost on Justice.”
And at the “Balkinization” blog, Sandy Levinson has a post titled “The Unteachabilty of Brown v. Board of Education: Reflections on Chief Justice Roberts’s New Year homily.”
“Armstead takes over as chief justice of Supreme Court”: Jeff Jenkins of West Virginia MetroNews has this report.
“U.S. Supreme Court set to take up Louisiana abortion law; case has implications nationally”: Elizabeth Crisp of The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana has this report.
“Only Republicans Need Supreme Court Lists; Liberal voters have no reason to doubt that any of their presidential candidates will nominate anyone other than pro-choice, activist judges”: The Wall Street Journal has published online this letter to the editor.
“More Than 200 Members Of Congress Ask Supreme Court To Reconsider Roe v. Wade”: This audio segment appeared on today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Weekend Edition Sunday.”
“Buckle Up, John Roberts: Looking ahead to a turbulent 2020 for the chief justice.” Dahlia Lithwick speaks with Mark Joseph Stern on this new installment of Slate’s “Amicus” podcast.
“Supreme Court to rule in Brian Nolan’s libel case; Sunday World claims public interest defence in ‘swinger’ defamation action”: Mark Tighe of The Sunday Times of London has this report (registration required for full access).
“‘Grapes of Wrath’ Movie Adaptation Dispute Headed to Supreme Court; A long legal war continues for the heirs of John Steinbeck”: Eriq Gardner has this post at the “THR, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter.
“Republican leaders asked the Supreme Court to end legal abortion. They may get their wish. Everything from calling themselves ‘pro-life’ to pushing for so-called ‘common sense’ restrictions on reproductive rights has been leading up to this.” Lauren Rankin has this essay online at NBC News.
“John Roberts: Bemused Spectator of American Democracy; The chief justice’s year-end report dwells heavily on the preservation of our civic life, without noting his hand in its undoing.” Matt Ford of The New Republic has this report.