“Gov. Tim Walz narrows Minnesota Supreme Court finalists to four; The Walz appointee would replace retiring Justice David Lillehaug”: Stephen Montemayor of The Minneapolis Star Tribune has this report.
Posted at 11:18 PM by Howard Bashman
Saturday, April 25, 2020
“Gov. Tim Walz narrows Minnesota Supreme Court finalists to four; The Walz appointee would replace retiring Justice David Lillehaug”: Stephen Montemayor of The Minneapolis Star Tribune has this report. Posted at 11:18 PM by Howard Bashman“Rethinking Retroactivity in Light of the Supreme Court’s Jury Unanimity Requirement”: Law professor Michael C. Dorf has this essay online at Justia’s Verdict. And at his “Dorf on Law” blog, he has a related post titled “What’s Jury Unanimity Got to do with it? Race, Aid to Religion, and Abortion in the Ramos Case.” Posted at 9:27 PM by Howard Bashman“Trump administration plans to go to the Supreme Court in Mueller grand jury document dispute”: Ariane de Vogue of CNN has this report. Posted at 2:40 PM by Howard Bashman |