“No one in this country is above the law. The Supreme Court is about to teach that lesson.” George T. Conway III has this essay online at The Washington Post.
Posted at 10:18 PM by Howard Bashman
Friday, May 8, 2020
“No one in this country is above the law. The Supreme Court is about to teach that lesson.” George T. Conway III has this essay online at The Washington Post. Posted at 10:18 PM by Howard Bashman“Roberts Rejects Request for Inquiry into D.C. Appeals Court Vacancy; The top circuit court judge had asked the complaint be transferred and investigated, but the chief justice’s office said it did not qualify”: Carl Hulse of The New York Times has this report. Posted at 10:12 PM by Howard Bashman“Dropping of Flynn Case Heightens Fears of Justice Dept. Politicization; Across the country, rank-and-file prosecutors cringed at another extraordinary intervention by Attorney General William P. Barr”: Katie Benner and Charlie Savage will have this article in Saturday’s edition of The New York Times. Posted at 10:09 PM by Howard Bashman“What Kim Kardashian and Prince William Can Teach Us About Remote Oral Arguments”: Derek Stikeleather has this post at the “Maryland Appellate Blog.” Posted at 9:50 PM by Howard Bashman“Full Federal Appeals Court Urged to Reconsider Panel’s Right-to-Literacy Ruling”: Mark Walsh has this post at the “School Law” blog of Education Week. Posted at 9:30 PM by Howard Bashman“House and Trump attorneys urge Supreme Court to decide core issues in case over Trump’s finances”: Ariane de Vogue of CNN has this report. Posted at 7:06 PM by Howard Bashman“Investigation: I Think I Know Which Justice Flushed; Someone on the Supreme Court livestreamed a bathroom session; The evidence suggests a particular culprit.” Ashley Feinberg of Slate has this report. Posted at 6:44 PM by Howard Bashman“Oklahoma’s Suspect Argument in Front of the Supreme Court; The state claims that affirming a reservation in eastern Oklahoma could lead to thousands of state criminal convictions being thrown out; But that argument doesn’t seem to be based on facts”: Rebecca Nagle, host of the must-hear “This Land” podcast addressing this very issue, has this essay online at The Atlantic. Posted at 6:35 PM by Howard Bashman“Trump’s Bid to Stand Above the Law: Next week, the Supreme Court will hear lawyers argue the president’s claim that he has absolute immunity while in office.” Law professors Claire O. Finkelstein and Richard W. Painter have this essay online at The New York Times. Posted at 3:38 PM by Howard Bashman“‘We’re going to fill it’: Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy; GOP senators denied Obama a seat on the high court. They’ll deliver for Trump.” Burgess Everett of Politico has this report. Posted at 3:32 PM by Howard Bashman“Court: ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ is Seinfeld’s show.” Larry Neumeister of The Associated Press has this report. Adam S. Levy of The Daily Mail (UK) reports that “Jerry Seinfeld victorious in court case over who created his Netflix show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” Shawn M. Carter of FOXBusiness reports that “Jerry Seinfeld wins court battle over ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’; Pilot director wanted ownership rights of talk-show series.” Josh Russell of Courthouse News Service reports that “Second Circuit Pulls Curtain on Producer Who Sued Seinfeld.” And at the “THR, Esq.” blog of The Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner has a post titled “Appeals Court Gives Jerry Seinfeld the Win in ‘Comedians in Cars’ Dispute; The Second Circuit affirms a decision that Christian Charles, who directed the pilot, had waited too long to challenge Seinfeld’s claim of being the sole author of the show.” You can access yesterday’s non-precedential, unpublished summary order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit at this link. Posted at 1:30 PM by Howard Bashman“Gorsuch Gets Moment as Decider in Case Evoking Trail of Tears”: Jordan S. Rubin of Bloomberg Law has this report. Posted at 1:09 PM by Howard Bashman“Utah gun advocate loses appeal to block bump stock ban”: Colleen Slevin of The Associated Press has this report. Brian Flood of Bloomberg Law reports that “Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Withstands Appeals Court Challenge.” And Martin Macias Jr. of Courthouse News Service reports that “10th Circuit Upholds Trump Administration’s Bump-Stock Ban.” You can access yesterday’s ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit at this link. Posted at 11:00 AM by Howard Bashman |