How Appealing

Sunday, August 9, 2020

“The Law Has Lost a Giant: The Legacy of Judge Stephen Williams.” Aaron L. Nielson has this post at the “Notice & Comment” blog of the Yale Journal on Regulation.

Posted at 10:11 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Whole Concept of ‘Unlawful Assembly’ Is a Mess; ‘Unlawful assembly’ is like ‘illegal writing’ or ‘forbidden religious exercise’: There surely may be such a thing, but what qualifies?” Law professor Garrett Epps has this essay online at The Atlantic.

Posted at 2:53 PM by Howard Bashman

“A Pure Interlocutory Bivens Appeal? The Bivens question can tag along with a qualified-immunity appeal. But what if there are no grounds for the qualified-immunity appeal?” Bryan Lammon has this post at his “final decisions” blog.

Posted at 2:48 PM by Howard Bashman

“History Is on the Side of Republicans Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020; Choosing not to fill a vacancy would be a historically unprecedented act of unilateral disarmament”: Dan McLaughlin has this essay online at National Review.

Posted at 2:15 PM by Howard Bashman

“Justice Thomas maps own course, at wheel of his 40-foot bus”: Mark Sherman of The Associated Press has a report that begins, “Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has never been afraid to turn right when his colleagues turn left, or in any direction really as long as there’s a place to plug in his 40-foot refitted tour bus at the end of the day.”

Posted at 1:30 PM by Howard Bashman