How Appealing

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

“No serious lawyer would argue what Trump’s Justice Department is arguing”: George T. Conway III and Lawrence S. Robbins have this essay online at The Washington Post.

Posted at 11:23 PM by Howard Bashman

“Florida judges stand out during felon voting rights case; The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit could rule on Amendment 4 before November, but it’s likely to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court”: Lawrence Mower of The Tampa Bay Times has this report.

Pete Williams of NBC News reports that “Court struggles with felon vote in Fla., case could determine participation in November; The state allows felons to vote after completing the terms of their sentences, including fines; But many cannot afford to pay all their court costs.”

Gary Fineout of Politico reports that “Federal appeals court considers whether to uphold Florida felon voting law.”

Dara Kam of News Service of Florida has a report headlined “Will convicted felons get to vote in November? Appeals judges hear arguments in Florida showdown.”

Alex Pickett of Courthouse News Service reports that “En Banc 11th Circuit Takes Up Voting Rights of Florida Felons; The case could have lasting implications for politics statewide and nationally as Florida’s elections typically have razor-thin margins.”

And Lina Ruiz of WUFT News reports that “Full Federal Appeals Panel Considers Landmark Florida Voting Rights Case.”

You can access via this link the audio of today’s en banc oral argument of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Posted at 8:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Oregon Supreme Court to determine scope of nonunanimous jury fallout”: Conrad Wilson of Oregon Public Broadcasting has this report.

Posted at 8:37 PM by Howard Bashman

“Some Great Picks Trump Should Consider for Supreme Court”: John G. Malcolm and Zack Smith have this essay online at The Daily Signal.

Posted at 11:34 AM by Howard Bashman

“Trump Is Denied Full New York Court Rehearing in Emoluments Case”: Bob Van Voris of Bloomberg News has this report.

Erica Orden and Katelyn Polantz of CNN report that “Appeals court lets emoluments case against Trump continue.”

John Kruzel of The Hill reports that “Appeals court denies Trump’s rehearing request in emoluments suit.”

Brandi Buchman of Courthouse News Service reports that “En Banc Second Circuit Won’t Rehear Trump Emoluments Case.”

And at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Jonathan H. Adler has a post titled “Second Circuit Refuses to Take Emoluments Case En Banc; At least four judges (and one senior judge) believe the standing question is worthy of en banc review; Will the Supreme Court think it’s worth certiorari?

You can access yesterday’s order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the separate opinions pertaining thereto, at this link.

Posted at 10:30 AM by Howard Bashman

“One Twitter Account’s Quest to Proofread The New York Times; In 2017, the Times dissolved its copy desk, possibly permitting more typos to slip through; Meet the anonymous lawyer who’s correcting the paper of record one untactful tweet at a time”: Ben Lindbergh of The Ringer has this report.

As the article explains, “The proud pedant behind @nyttypos is, as his Twitter bio proclaims, an ‘appellate lawyer and persnickety dude.’ While working for a government office on appeals for the federal courts of appeals and the Supreme Court, he has diligently, competently, and caustically grammar-policed the paper of record in his spare time, producing more than 20,000 tweets over the past 11 months.”

Unlike before the David Lat unmasking of 2005, this time I actually know who this anonymous appellate lawyer is, but their secret is safe with me.

Posted at 10:08 AM by Howard Bashman