“A Report to Court of Appeals Colleagues: Summing Up the Past Seven Years.” The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has posted online at this link a report from then-Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann.
On September 1, 2020, Debra Ann Livingston began serving as the Second Circuit’s chief judge.
“Appeals court bars release of NYPD disciplinary records as lawsuit unfolds”: Craig McCarthy of The New York Post has this report.
“Class Action Incentive Awards Banned by SCOTUS, 11th Cir. Says”: Holly Barker of Bloomberg Law has this report (subscription required for full access) on a ruling that a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued today.
“A trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings will likely boost Biden against Trump in a key state”: Jonathan Lai, Chris Brennan, and Cynthia Fernandez of The Philadelphia Inquirer have this report.
Julian Routh of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “Pa. Supreme Court rules in favor of mail-in ballot extension.”
S.A. Miller of The Washington Times reports that “Pa. Supreme Court knocks Green Party off ballot, blocking potential Biden spoiler.”
Marc Levy of The Associated Press reports that “Pennsylvania Democrats notch key election-related court wins.”
Jason Lange and Joseph Ax of Reuters report that “Pennsylvania court extends ballot deadline for November presidential election.”
Erik Larson of Bloomberg News reports that “Biden Gets Pennsylvania Boost as Court Sides with Democrats.”
Marshall Cohen, Katelyn Polantz, and Kelly Mena of CNN report that “Pennsylvania Supreme Court election rulings are big wins for Biden.”
Zach Montellaro of Politico reports that “Pennsylvania Supreme Court extends state’s mail ballot deadline; The battleground state will now count mailed ballots that are postmarked by Election Day and received by Nov. 6.”
Kaelan Deese of The Hill reports that “Pennsylvania court extends mail-in ballot deadline,” while Tal Axelrod of The Hill reports that “Pennsylvania Supreme Court removes Green Party presidential candidate from ballot.”
And Alexandra Jones of Courthouse News Service reports that “Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Green Party Presidential Ticket From Ballot.”
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issued three election-related rulings today. The majority opinion in the vote-by-mail case can be accessed here; a concurring opinion can be accessed here; and two concurring and dissenting opinions can be accessed here and here. The per curiam opinion in a secondary vote-by-mail case can be accessed here and a concurring and dissenting statement can be accessed here. Finally, the majority opinion in the Green Party case can be accessed here and a concurring and dissenting opinion can be accessed here.
“Gov. Wolf seeks stay on federal crowd-size ruling, arguing virus deaths will climb”: Julian Routh of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has this report.
“This Is How Bad It’s Gotten at the Justice Department: Nora Dannehy’s resignation looks like part of a pattern that could be problematic for Bill Barr and President Trump.” Law professors Neal K. Katyal and Joshua A. Geltzer have this essay online at The New York Times.
Online at Slate, law professor Carissa Byrne Hessick has an essay titled “Bill Barr’s Argument for a Political DOJ Is Very Convenient for Bill Barr; His comparison of career prosecutors to preschoolers was not only insulting — it’s also deeply self-serving.”
Online at CNN, Chris Cillizza has an essay titled “Donald Trump has finally found his ultimate wingman.”
Also online at CNN, law professor Richard L. Hasen has an essay titled “Barr’s undermining of the election is downright dangerous.”
And also online at CNN, Brandon Tensley has an essay titled “The painful absurdity of AG William Barr’s slavery comment.”
“How Republicans Undermined Ex-Felon Voting Rights in Florida: It’s a cautionary tale about the messy process of citizen-led ballot initiatives and how a dominant political party can exert its power.” Patricia Mazzei and Michael Wines of The New York Times have this report.
“What the 2020 presidential election means for the Third Circuit”: Matthew Stiegler recently had this post at his “CA3blog.”
“Why the ruling against Wolf’s COVID-19 restrictions faces long odds on appeal, explained”: Jamie Martines of Spotlight PA and Paula Reed Ward of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review have this report.