“Health care industry braces for challenge to 2010 ACA law; Justices have been urged to uphold the law, with insurance coverage for 20 million Americans at stake”: Mary Ellen McIntire of Roll Call has this report.
“Religion vs. Gay Rights or Making Homophobia Great Again”: Sherry F. Colb has this blog post at “Dorf on Law.”
“Standing to Challenge the Individual Mandate: Plaintiffs may have had standing in NFIB v. Sebelius, but they don’t in California v. Texas.” Jonathan H. Adler has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
“ObamaCare Returns to the Supremes; The mandate ‘tax’ may go down, but the law will survive”: This editorial will appear in Tuesday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.
“Trump’s quest to end the Affordable Care Act arrives at Supreme Court”: Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.
And Bob Egelko of The San Francisco Chronicle reports that “Affordable Care Act challenge before Supreme Court could strip insurance from millions.”
“Growing Discomfort at Law Firms Representing Trump in Election Lawsuits; Some lawyers at Jones Day and Porter Wright, which have filed suits about the 2020 vote, said they were worried about undermining the electoral system”: Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Rachel Abrams, and David Enrich will have this article in Tuesday’s edition of The New York Times.
“Former WV Supreme Court justice Neely dies at 79”: Lacie Pierson of The Charleston Gazette-Mail has this report.
And Jeff Jenkins of West Virginia’s MetroNews reports that “Richard Neely, former Supreme Court justice, dies of cancer.”
“Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage must stand”: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has published this editorial.
“Kentucky’s new Supreme Court justice, Robert Conley, rebuked again for courtroom behavior”: John Cheves of The Lexington Herald Leader has an article that begins, “Kentucky’s newest state Supreme Court justice was sharply criticized Friday in a state Court of Appeals decision for losing his temper in the courtroom and violating legal procedure last December.”
“If US Supreme Court dumps Obamacare health coverage, Maryland could get massive headache”: Meredith Cohn has this front page article in today’s edition of The Baltimore Sun.
“ObamaCare faces another Supreme Court test with bolstered conservative majority; White House-backed lawsuit seeks to rule ObamaCare unconstitutional”: Megan Henney of Fox News has this report.
“Eyes on Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch as Supreme Court decides Obamacare’s future”: Joan Biskupic of CNN has this report.
Access today’s Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court: At this link. The Court granted review in two related new cases that will produce a combine hour of oral argument.