“The Battle Over Scalia’s Legacy: The late justice advocated judicial restraint, textualism, and originalism, but conservative jurists will have to choose among them.” Law professor Noah Feldman has this review (subscription required for full access) of the book “The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law” in the December 17, 2020 issue of The New York Review of Books.
“The Legality of Presidential Self-Pardons”: Paul J. Larkin, Jr. has posted this paper on SSRN.
“Attorney General Curtis Hill asks Supreme Court to take on Indiana same-sex parenting case”: Johnny Magdaleno of The Indianapolis Star has this report.
“Senate Democrats Face Power Struggle for Top Judiciary Job; Senators Richard J. Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse are vying to be the top Democrat on the panel that controls judicial nominations, reflecting a broader debate among activists about how to wield power”: Carl Hulse of The New York Times has this report.
“Trump commits to stepping down if electoral college votes for Biden”: Josh Dawsey of The Washington Post has this report.
“Barrett confirmation sparks flood of Supreme Court-bound challenges from pro-gun groups”: David Sherfinski of The Washington Times has this report.
“Supreme Court’s Ruling Blocking Cuomo’s Covid-19 Order Could Influence Other Cases; Up to 20 lawsuits involving houses of worship could be affected by high-court decision”: Stephanie Yang, Josh Mitchell, and Alicia A. Caldwell of The Wall Street Journal have this report.
“Trump’s imprint on Supreme Court shows conservative effect in key coronavirus ruling”: Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.
“Midnight Ruling Exposes Rifts at a Supreme Court Transformed by Trump; The justices issued six opinions, several of them unusually bitter, in upholding challenges from churches and synagogues to state pandemic restrictions on religious services”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.
And Jesse McKinley and Liam Stack of The New York Times report that “Cuomo Attacks Supreme Court, but Virus Ruling Is Warning to Governors; The court signaled that if unconstrained religious observance and public safety are sometimes at odds, then religious freedom should win out.”
“Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo’s Virus Shutdown Order; Justice Amy Coney Barrett played a decisive role in the decision, which took the opposite approach of earlier court rulings related to coronavirus restrictions in California and Nevada”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.
Robert Barnes of The Washington Post reports that “Supreme Court relieves religious organizations from some covid-related restrictions.”
Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York; Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases.”
Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that “Supreme Court blocks strict COVID-19 restrictions on some New York houses of worship.”
Bill Sanderson of The New York Daily News reports that “Supreme Court temporarily overturns Cuomo’s religious service COVID limits in NYC case.”
Carl Campanile and Kenneth Garger of The New York Post report that “Supreme Court temporarily bars New York from setting church attendance limits.”
Jessica Gresko of The Associated Press reports that “High court blocks NY coronavirus limits on houses of worship.”
Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “U.S. Supreme Court backs religious groups over New York virus curbs.”
Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that “Supreme Court Blocks Covid Limits on New York Churches, Synagogues.”
Pete Williams of NBC News reports that “Supreme Court blocks NY from enforcing Covid limits on churches; The court said the restrictions violate religious freedom and are not neutral because they ‘single out houses of worship.’”
Ariane de Vogue of CNN reports that “In a 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court sides with religious groups in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions in New York.”
David Aaro of Fox News reports that “Supreme Court rules against Cuomo’s coronavirus limits — with Barrett playing key role; Chief Justice Roberts sided with the court’s liberals in the dissenting opinion.”
Josh Gerstein of Politico has a report headlined “Major shift at Supreme Court on Covid-19 orders; The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to bar New York state from reimposing limits on religious gatherings.”
Geoffrey Rowland of The Hill reports that “Supreme Court blocks New York coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship.”
And today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition” contained an audio segment titled “Supreme Court Blocks Attendance Restrictions Due To COVID-19 In New York.”
You can access last night’s 5-to-4 per curiam ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the opinions concurring therein and dissenting therefrom, at this link.