How Appealing

Thursday, February 11, 2021

“Nation’s oldest juvenile lifer, Joe Ligon, leaves Pa. prison after 68 years”: Samantha Melamed of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.

Posted at 10:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Why Mary Sarah Bilder Gets Originalism Wrong; Originalists and historians should not be in conflict, so why is fruitful collaboration so rare?” John O. McGinnis has this post at the “Law & Liberty” blog.

Posted at 9:34 PM by Howard Bashman

“What Mitch McConnell Got Right: Under Trump, Republicans reshaped the federal judiciary; Now Democrats have the chance to do the same.” Law professor Erwin Chemerinsky has this essay online at The New York Times.

Posted at 9:28 PM by Howard Bashman

“Does Brief-Writing Quality Affect Who Prevails at the U.S. Supreme Court?” Ross Guberman has this post at The Juris Lab.

Posted at 9:24 PM by Howard Bashman

“Let’s Not Forget Trump’s Failure to ‘Take Care’; His administration subverted that constitutional mandate by undermining core missions of the government”: Linda Greenhouse has this essay online at The New York Times.

Posted at 9:21 PM by Howard Bashman

Avenatti v. Fox News Getting Funner (at Least for Law Geeks Like Me); Third Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas has been appointed to hear the case”: Eugene Volokh has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.”

Posted at 6:48 PM by Howard Bashman

“Complaints, Actions & Finality After Dismissals Without Prejudice; The D.C. Circuit split on finality after a dismissal without prejudice, with one judge questioning the distinction between dismissals of complaints and dismissals of actions”: Bryan Lammon has this post at his “final decisions” blog.

Posted at 5:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Warrantless Digital Device Searches at U.S. Border Ruled Valid”: Andrea Vittorio of Bloomberg Law has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit issued Tuesday.

Update: In other coverage, Thomas F. Harrison of Courthouse News Service reports that “1st Circuit Upholds Border Searches of Phones and Laptops; The ruling says customs officials can rummage through highly personal information even absent any reason to think their owner did something wrong.”

Posted at 3:02 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Ideological Status-Quo in Supreme Court COVID-19 Litigation”: Adam Feldman has this post at his new endeavor, The Juris Lab.

Posted at 1:55 PM by Howard Bashman

“In-person courses and conferences aren’t in most judges’ 2021 plans, survey suggests”: Michelle Werdann of the National Judicial College has this report on the results of a survey that organization conducted recently.

Posted at 11:44 AM by Howard Bashman

“CIA Can Shield Records on Syrian Rebel Funding; The CIA can reject a public records request seeking information on U.S. payments to Syrian rebel forces because a tweet from former President Trump didn’t officially acknowledge such records exist”: Brad Kutner of Courthouse News Service has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued Tuesday.

Posted at 11:36 AM by Howard Bashman

“The Seventh Circuit on Guerrero-Lasprilla & Cancellation of Removal; The Seventh Circuit suggested (but didn’t hold) that Guerrero-Lasprilla applies in the cancellation-of-removal context”: Bryan Lammon has this post at his “final decisions” blog.

Posted at 11:24 AM by Howard Bashman