“Hit-and-run driver in Boca Raton kills federal judge, hits boy, claims she’s Harry Potter, cops say”: Mario Ariza of The South Florida Sun Sentinel has this report.
Hannah Morse of The Palm Beach Post reports that “Hit-run crash in Boca kills NY federal judge; driver tells medics she’s ‘Harry Potter.’”
Melissa Klein of The New York Post reports that “Long Island federal judge killed in Florida hit-and-run by allegedly high driver.”
And Raja Razek and Dakin Andone of CNN report that “Driver arrested in hit-and-run death of Sandra Feuerstein, New York federal judge.”
“Supreme Court leaves major conservative cases waiting in the wings, from abortion to guns; Rather than handing conservatives a string of wins, the Supreme Court has left advocates on the right grasping for answers about high-profile cases”: John Fritze of USA Today has this report.
“‘A delay tactic’: Biden’s Supreme Court commission called move to placate left wing; Ben Sasse said the president knows his court-packing commission isn’t going anywhere.” Alex Swoyer and David Sherfinski of The Washington Times have this report.
“Respectfully, Justice Breyer, court enlargers aren’t the problem”: Columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“A Free Exercise of Religion Supreme Court; The Justices slap down another California pandemic order limiting the right to worship”: This editorial will appear in Monday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.
“Split 5th Circ. Denies Rehearing For $479M ACA Fee Dispute”: Law360 has this report (subscription required for full access) on an order denying rehearing en banc and a dissent therefrom that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued Friday.
“At Harvard Law, Breyer’s Farewell Address?” Kenneth Jost has this post at his blog, “Jost on Justice.”
“Sixth Circuit Grants Tennessee’s Request for En Banc Hearing on Abortion Law; In a rare move that led one judge to question the court’s ‘reputation for impartiality,’ the Sixth Circuit on Friday decided to hear initial arguments regarding Tennessee’s 48-hour waiting period abortion law — which was struck down by a federal judge — in front of the entire court”: Kevin Koeninger of Courthouse News Service has this report.
And at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Josh Blackman has a post titled “A Brief History of Initial En Banc in the Sixth Circuit; Two decades apart, Judge Moore has been on both sides of the issue.”
You can access Friday’s order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granting an initial hearing en banc, and a dissent therefrom in which six judges joined, at this link.
“Court-packing isn’t the right fix for our courts. Ending life tenure is.” This editorial appears in today’s edition of The Washington Post.
“Judicial Notice: April 10, 2021; Notable legal news from the week that was.” David Lat has this post at his “Original Jurisdiction” Substack site.