How Appealing

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

“Why the Federal Circuit Is Tiffany Cunningham’s ‘Dream Job’; The nominee told the Senate Judiciary Committee she made a mental note about diversity while clerking at the court 20 years ago”: Scott Graham has this article online at The National Law Journal.

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has posted online at this link the video of today’s confirmation hearing for judicial and other nominees.

Posted at 10:37 PM by Howard Bashman

“Full Fifth Circuit Hears Dispute Over Dallas Bail System; In a case challenging automatic cash bail, attorneys for indigent arrestees told the en banc appeals court that Dallas County is unconstitutionally jailing poor people without considering their ability to pay”: Sabrina Canfield of Courthouse News Service has this report on an en banc rehearing (access the oral argument audio via this link) that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit heard today.

Posted at 9:44 PM by Howard Bashman

“Asian American legal groups look to Supreme Court as they pursue path to make history”: John Fritze of USA Today has this report.

Posted at 9:32 PM by Howard Bashman