How Appealing

Friday, May 28, 2021

“City of San Antonio loses U.S. Supreme Court fight over online travel companies’ $2.2M legal tab”: Patrick Danner of The San Antonio Express-News has this report.

Kimberly Strawbridge Robinson of Bloomberg News reports that “Justices Curb Trial Court Discretion in Appellate Cost Award.”

And Alexandra Jones of Courthouse News Service reports that “Supreme Court Ends Tax War, Says Cities Must Pay Litigation Costs to; Municipalities that waged an all-out war against travel-booking websites over occupancy taxes are now left with a hefty litigation bill.”

Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. issued yesterday’s ruling on behalf of a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court in San Antonio v., L.P., No. 20-334.

Posted at 8:34 PM by Howard Bashman

“24 states urge Supreme Court to take case challenging NJ large-capacity magazine ban; Democrats in Congress and the White House have backed bans of certain magazines”: Adam Shaw of Fox News has this report.

Posted at 8:26 PM by Howard Bashman

“After 208 years, Louisiana Supreme Court gets its first female clerk of court”: Joe Gyan Jr. of The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana has this report.

Posted at 8:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“Biden’s Justice Department Is Walking Into a Trap Set by Trump Appointees; A seemingly frivolous lawsuit could take down a pillar of the administrative state”: Mark Joseph Stern has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

Posted at 5:07 PM by Howard Bashman