“Reporting on the Supreme Court”: Anna Salvatore — founder of the “High School SCOTUS” blog — served as moderator of this recent event (YouTube link) featuring panelists Chris Geidner, David Lat, and Kimberly Robinson.
Majority on divided three-judge Ninth Circuit panel holds that California’s closing of private schools because of COVID-19 implicates fundamental rights of parents and is subject to strict scrutiny: You can access yesterday’s ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
“Merrick Garland Will Not Deliver Your Catharsis; Progressives want a dramatic de-Trumpification of the Justice Department; But the attorney general has a different theory of how to heal America”: David Montgomery will have this article in tomorrow’s edition of The Washington Post Magazine.
“Here’s what makes Texas’s ‘heartbeat’ abortion bill uniquely dangerous”: The Washington Post has published this editorial.
“‘Complete, dysfunctional chaos’: Oklahoma reels after Supreme Court ruling on Indian tribes.” Annie Gowen and Robert Barnes of The Washington Post have this report.
“After $250k in political support from Apache Corp., Texas Supreme Court does a rare double take”: Eric Dexheimer of The Houston Chronicle has this report.
“Abortion rights face most difficult test yet at Supreme Court”: John Kruzel of The Hill has this report.
“How the Supreme Court could decimate reproductive rights without overruling Roe”: Steven Mazie and law professor Melissa Murray have this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Anti-abortion lawyers are finally being honest about what they want from the Supreme Court; For decades, abortion opponents urged the Court to lie about abortion restrictions; They don’t need to anymore”: Ian Millhiser has this essay online at Vox.
“Have information you want no one ever to know? Tell the FBI!” Columnist Alexandra Petri has this op-ed in today’s edition of The Washington Post.
And online at Slate, Dahlia Lithwick has a jurisprudence essay titled “We Now Know What the FBI Did With the 4,500 Kavanaugh Tips It Collected in 2018.”
“Progressive Gun-Control Crackup; Defense lawyers ask the Supreme Court to affirm gun rights”: The Wall Street Journal has published this editorial.