How Appealing

Sunday, August 8, 2021

“Protecting public health from judicial arrogance; The groups lining up against the eviction moratorium are asking judges to disregard both the CDC’s public health judgments and the law”: Law professor Laurence H. Tribe has this essay online at The Boston Globe.

Posted at 8:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“The judge trying to upend California’s gun laws: ‘Blessed’ jurist or ‘stone-cold idealogue’?” In today’s edition of The Los Angeles Times, Laura J. Nelson and Kristina Davis have a front page article that begins, “For nearly two decades, U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez was a low-profile jurist handling routine immigration and drug cases in San Diego federal court. Then, in three consecutive years, the 70-year-old judge made a trio of rulings that have upended California’s gun laws and launched him into the intensifying national debate over guns.”

Posted at 2:24 PM by Howard Bashman