“Philly will appeal a court order prohibiting the removal of the Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza; The statue, which became a flashpoint during the protests following the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, remains sealed in a wooden box”: Sean Collins Walsh of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.
“Republicans’ New Stance on COVID Contradicts Everything They’ve Said About Abortion; A Trump judge and a GOP governor push an incoherent theory of freedom that coddles COVID deniers and torments abortion patients”: Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern have this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.
Therein, Lithwick and Stern write, “Indeed, in his concurrence in the abortion case, Judge James Ho — one of the Trump-appointed judges most feverishly devoted to the principle that ‘owning the libs’ is a stand-alone constitutional value — wrote gratuitously about the ambiguities and impossibilities of judicial comprehension of scientific fact.”
“Experts: Supreme Court could clarify McGirt ruling, won’t overturn it.” Janelle Stecklein of The Enid (Okla.) News & Eagle has a report that begins, “It’s unlikely a majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices would overturn their recent ruling that large swaths of eastern Oklahoma remain Native American reservations despite continued challenges and appeals to do so from state leaders, legal experts say.”
“Washington Supreme Court mandates COVID-19 vaccines for workers, encourages lower courts to do same”: Kip Hill of The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Washington has this report.
Yesterday, the Washington State Supreme Court issued this order.
“Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: The Mother Of All Spreadsheets; Here are all the judges, courts, and law schools that produced SCOTUS clerks over the past five years.” David Lat has this post at his “Original Jurisdiction” Substack site.
“Justice Thomas has made the new oral argument format a winner”: Carrie Severino has this post at “SCOTUSblog.”
“Born in Boise, raised in Idaho, this ‘prolific’ woman is Biden’s solicitor general pick”: Ian Max Stevenson of The Idaho Statesman has this report.
And the Spring 2002 issue of Emory Magazine contained an item titled “Rhodes Scholarship finalist Elizabeth M. Barchas ’02C.”
“Bostock and Textualism: A Response to Berman and Krishnamurthi.” Law professor Andrew Koppelman has posted this paper at SSRN.
“Originalism Diluted”: Eric Segall has this post at “Dorf on Law.”
“Federal courts impose new COVID-19 restrictions amid surge”: Denise Lavoie of The Associated Press has this report.
“Supreme Court, other DC buildings evacuated as police investigate bomb threat on Capitol Hill”: Dan Mangan and Kevin Breuninger of CNBC have this report.
“Filmmaker Overcomes Supreme Court Setback to Pursue North Carolina for Stealing Footage; It looked hopeless for Rick Allen’s Nautilus Productions when the high court ruled against him in 2020. But now, he’s got a shot in his suit thanks to the Fifth Amendment”: Eriq Gardner of The Hollywood Reporter has this report.
“Where We Stand: Assessing Vacancies and Nominations in the Federal Judiciary — The Northeast.” Harsh Voruganti has this post at his blog, “The Vetting Room.”