“Divided Sixth Circuit upholds death penalty in child murder case; Danny Hill claimed he is intellectually disabled, which makes him ineligible for capital punishment due to a 2002 landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court”: Joe Harris of Courthouse News Service has this report on a 9-to-7 en banc ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued Friday.
“Go Ahead. Ignore That Email. The costs of maintaining an empty inbox far outweigh whatever satisfaction you might derive from it.” Law professor Stephen L. Carter has this essay online at Bloomberg Opinion in which he discusses, among other things, an opinion that Circuit Judge James C. Ho issued earlier this month on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
“Kavanaugh Is the Last Hope for Abortion Rights; Liberals have reviled the conservative Supreme Court justice since his confirmation hearing, but now hope that he still cherishes the reputation for moderation that he cultivated”: Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg Opinion.
“First woman to take helm as RI state court administrator”: Katie Mulvaney of The Providence Journal has this report.
“More Transparency Urged for ‘Shadow Docket'”: Kenneth Jost has this post at his blog, “Jost on Justice.”